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Welcome to our new administrator!

Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:52 pm

Yep you all saw it coming folks! The new addition of an administrator :) I'm not sure how so many of you heard it all but I'm guessing it's through the grape-vine? ;) Well here it is folks. After running applications for just under a month, the new administrator is... *drumroll*... after years of not promoting anyone up to admin level... is... *drumroll*...


Just wanted to thank everyone who applied. The quality of applications were generally very high and the final decision was a tough one where Rune and myself began to split hairs. Candidates could obviously bring a lot to the table and the ultimate decision rested upon many factors as who we think would best integrate into the current team based on (1) where the community is now; and (2) who brings a genuine desire and love of the community.

We believe Jasujo to be a great choice as we've seen her as mod and we've seen her work her magic. She's also proved herself capable of running a group (the Divas) and has fought hard to bring extra activities to the community. She has many established links with members of the community, is level headed, down to earth and above all, fair. We think she'd be an excellent choice as administrator and want to give her the opportunity to step up as one of the admins and take on the responsibility. I'm sure she's a popular choice for many of you :)

Jasujo and the staff have all been made aware of the decision as of 2-3 days ago and Jasujo has begun her transition into the role. If you want to make life fun for her, now's the time to cause a ruckus :evil:

The addition of a new admin brings about a wind of change, as a lot of things around PPT will be undergoing a change as well. What's going to happen? You'll just have to wait an see ;)

P.S., of course now with a new administrator, briberies of cookies, candy and assortments will have to be equally divided by three, so to make up, we expect the bribes to be BIGGER! Bigger ya hear!
Last edited by Shoyru_Lover on Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:55 pm

*jumps up and down excitedly* Jas, you have no idea how big the smile on my face is right now! You deserve this so much. *big hugs all around* Congratulations!

This probably doesn't sound very coherent, but I'm just so excited right now, haha.

Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:56 pm

It was only a matter of time! *runs*

Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:57 pm

Yay! :) Thank you! I love this forum *so* much and I'm so honored to be chosen. <3 I hope I can do you all proud!

I'm sure you know I will be holding some type of contest/giveaway to celebrate. XD

*hugs all*

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:00 am

Holy batman O_O Congrats Jas! I know you'll make a great admin :D

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:00 am


The sexy level of the forum has just been raised like 100 levels!

Congrats. ^_^

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:06 am

Huzzah! Congratulations Jas. ^-^ You deserve this a lot. You're a great person, and I know you'll do the job well. Yukio has already listed your wonderful qualities, so I'll just do the typical "What he said!" thing. But he forgot something! You're so nice, and you're way to generous. >_< haha. We'll forgive you for that, though. :P

Congratulations again, and I know you'll do the job well! *hugs!*

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:11 am

Loud noises! :P

But really, congrats, jas. You are awesome. I bow to your utter coolness. Be nice to me, please! 0:)

By the way, do admin apps open soon?

(name that movie!!)

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:12 am

You finally got your stars, Jas <3

Congrats. You deserve admin so much, you'll do a fantastic job. I couldn't think of anyone better (no offence meant to anyone else who applied, of course!)

Now, is it still necessary to bribe my double mother, or do I get brownie points for just being related? ;)

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:14 am

Alex wrote:Now, is it still necessary to bribe my double mother, or do I get brownie points for just being related? ;)

Brownies never hurt. :P

Just so you know, I like my brownies with that lovely fudgey topping and peanut butter chips. <3

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:17 am

Wow! That's freaking awesome! Felicitations Jas! :D

Hmm, something else that's going to undergo a change here at PPT... Whatever could that be? :P

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:20 am

Jasujo wrote:
Alex wrote:Now, is it still necessary to bribe my double mother, or do I get brownie points for just being related? ;)

Brownies never hurt. :P

Just so you know, I like my brownies with that lovely fudgey topping and peanut butter chips. <3

Tell me where I can get those in Melbourne and I'll send you some ^.^

By the way, do admin apps open soon?


Uh, they just happened..

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:29 am

*confetti* Party at Jas'! And since everyone's bringing the foodstuffs thar be nothing for you to worry about :P (Aside from the mess to follow... haha)


Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:38 am

Yay, congrats :D Enjoy the new red stars!

Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:43 am

I should wonder whether there will be a cult for our new boss now, kinda like the Runanites. :P

Speaking of them, where have they gone?
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