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PPT Podcast October - Because it's like eating dried glue!

Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:16 pm

So I finally got time to do this again so I am really ecstatic, and I finally got the podcasts to works once again. I figured it was time to get everyone's favorite club back in order. So without further ado ..... here we go!!

ImageThe PPT Podcast Fan Thread!Image
Reasons we Love the Podcast:
01.)Because Jim "sanitized" us
02.)Because Kym sounded like a dentist
03.)Because Emma thinks they're fountains
04.)Because Josh is a NeoDork
05.)Because Stacy Is Game For Anything
06.)Because Emma isn't just a name....
07.)Because We Have PPT PowerPodcasters!
08.)Because We're 4 Wet Weezel Wednesday
09.)Because it's like eating dried glue!

So, this thread is here for all us huge fans of the Podcast who look forward to it coming out each month. And we've been really lucky because since I have been gone there have been a total of 3 podcasts and I am so stoked about it!

*What you would like to hear about*
~Where o where have the avatars gone?
*Has anyone else noticed the disappearence of avatars?
*Will possibly end up being the next avatars. Friendly reminder to be on October 31st/Nov 1 at 12am to refresh in the haunted woods for the Halloween sidebar
~Gross food
*Ants should not be in food period .. eww. Just cause you can make gross food .. should you?

*PPT PowerPodcasters*
~PTP - Purple Power Podcaster w/ Kougra Powers driving a giant kougra claw Powerpod
~NeoPets Online - Periwinkle Power Podcaster w/ Cybunny Powers driving a carrot Powerpod

*Comments on the Podcasts*
~Episode 8: The Impromptu~
|x|The News!!
....Teehee ... ugliness hath invaded the site! It's so true! The furniture was like *gag* and the clothes were equally as *gag* Seriously, what is up with the Neopets clothing .. its not like you can wear it after all so does it really have a point other than being a waste of pixels?
|x|The Tale of Woe!!
....Really .. really .. really .. GOOD PLOT! So far it is looking really good. The comics are really good, the updates have not been so tedious I want to pull my hair out. Overall .. I think we're in store for an awesome plot and maybe we'll get some really shpiffy prizes this time around!
|x|Silena aka me on plots
....Lol! I kept getting all the names wrong .. Hannah and the Pirate Caves I mean Ice I mean Pirate ... oh shnap ... Yay for my first podcast and me being half awake at 1am .. oooo giggle.
|x|Teh Labray: Good or Evil
....While it turned my poor pet Kiko and then painted it Snot. We all send loads of luck Gwen's way so she can get a Marshmellow Grundo.
|x|PPT Guild
....We don't need a guild! We have teh awesome forums where we have more freedom and we all can have different avatars/siggy banners. I'll take the forum over the guild anyday *yush*
|x|*Giggle* Shameless site plug and HP spoilers
....Yush shameless site plug is now the new shameless myspace plug! And for anyone who reads this before listening to the podcast there are HP&HBP spoilers at the end

|x|Kym w/ Flow

Mmk, that is all for this month of October! Feel free to comment, leave suggestions, become a PPT Powerpodcaster fan .. its awesome!

Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:49 pm

*holds a party* this rawks woo! You shall all listen to me and fall in love with me!

Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:24 am

Awwww but we already looooovvvveee you.

And you loooovvveee our looovvveee!


Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:43 am

Man! I'm not even october. I better be november kay? :P

Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:56 am

hahaha .. u gotta say something random! And this was my first one ...

And i argue that coconut does in fact taste like dried glue!

Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:00 pm

You know... coconut does not taste like glue. it tastes something real delicious!

Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:24 pm

Lol but you like coconut!

And you know what else is like a really wierd food combo .. waffles and jelly!

Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:53 am

Ohh waffles and jelly actually sounds really nice.

Coconut is just really... good. Coconut milk yumm.. Pina colada!

Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:01 am

Strawberries and Balsamic Vinegar.


Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:10 am

Are you serious?

Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:24 am

Justice Man Yukio wrote:Are you serious?

Yeah, this isn't something i just made up, people do this. I've seen people eat it. And smile.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:16 am

I use to have friends who'd eat some funky shtuff. We're talking fear factor quality. It was so gross.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:30 pm

This weekend as I was strolling around my yard with a glass of lemonade, there was a harsh wind that blew a really-fat-hard-shelled-beetle-bug into my glass of lemonade. Plop!

Between 3 people I receieved to drink the bug. 8)

Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:39 pm

Ewwww you drank a bug!?!

Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:33 pm

Not only that but he chewed it and said it was crunchy. Very crunchy.
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