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Forum now RSS enabled

Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:55 am

Hi guys, if you want to RSS PPT forum threads, visit the following page.

Here's a sample of the possibilities!


It's pretty neat. It allows me to just check what are the latest posts which reload every time my browser opens and I can just click what I like :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:02 am

Oh, that's so awesome! I've been wishing that PPT had an RSS feed for aaaaaages.

Now PPT can take it's prime position at the top my "forums I go to" column on my Google Personalised Homepage :D


For anyone who'd like to know how to add an RSS feed to their Google homepage:

- Go to the "Add Stuff >>" link (upper right)
- Click the "Add by URL" link, which is next to the "Search Homepage Content" button at the top.
- Copy and paste the RSS URL (above) into it
- Click "Add"!
- Go back to your homepage :)

Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:49 am

Perfect. Sweet-as :) Looks like it's working woo!

Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:39 pm

2 question: does this have any way of knowing what account you're logged into so it only shows the ones you haven't read yet?

and mazil: I can't seem to find the add stuff link. Where is it exactly?

Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:51 pm

pipsqueeek: The "Add Stuff" link is on the far right, kinda under where the Google search is and above your custom home area.

Hmm, maybe a screenshot would be more helpful ;)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:40 am

Ohhh. That makes more sense now. I didn't realise you had to be at google and was looking for the link on the actual browser :oops:

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:16 am

pipsqueeek wrote:2 question: does this have any way of knowing what account you're logged into so it only shows the ones you haven't read yet?

and mazil: I can't seem to find the add stuff link. Where is it exactly?

You have more than one account? :roll:

:battar: It updates with the most recent forum posts. So if you post on a forum, it'll update eventually on the feeds :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:25 am

Yukio wrote:
pipsqueeek wrote:2 question: does this have any way of knowing what account you're logged into so it only shows the ones you haven't read yet?

and mazil: I can't seem to find the add stuff link. Where is it exactly?

You have more than one account? :roll:

:battar: It updates with the most recent forum posts. So if you post on a forum, it'll update eventually on the feeds :)

No, but my brothers have accounts and they use the same computer as I do. And I'm not logged in all the time. Basically my question was, would they do the same thing as the little orange boxes? Or would they just show recent posts?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:59 am

It shows the latest forum posts.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:27 pm


I shall have to add it under my other PinkPT RSS :D

Thanks to whoever set up this RSS (possibly Yukio? lol):D

Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:14 am

Yep I put it on woo!
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