This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:14 am
My siggy isn't working..oo;
Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:15 am
I'm not positive, but I think that your sig needs to be a .gif or .jpg to work.
Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:48 am
Caesara wrote:I'm not positive, but I think that your sig needs to be a .gif or .jpg to work.
And .png also works. But .bmp files wont show up in image tags.
Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:24 am
Even if it did work, its almost 3 times the size limit
Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:39 am
Same for his avatar o.O
Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:07 am
If it's sized properly you can usually make it work with proper html tags.
Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:59 pm
Well- first of all, your avatar and signature are way over the file size limit. Try saving in .gif or .jpg- .bmp items always have large filesizes. However, if you are able to make a graphic in a different filesize, it should work out fine.
But if you do happen to make graphics within the limit, you must use this code for .bmps:
- Code:
<img src= put the URL here>
Hope that helps you.
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