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IRC Chat.

Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:09 pm

Does PinkPT have a IRC chat? I couldn't see any details any where.

If not, wouldn't it be a good idea to start one up? :) It'd make discussion a whole lot easier, if we had somewhere to actually sit and chat, in real time.

Re: IRC Chat.

Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:08 pm

There is an IRC chat, or at least I know there was, but I can't seem to find it on the main site. The chat link doesn't seem to be working and I don't remember the address offhand. Sorry. :/ Maybe someone else who knows will be able to give you better information. :)

Re: IRC Chat.

Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:54 pm

Jas Frost wrote:There is an IRC chat, or at least I know there was, but I can't seem to find it on the main site. The chat link doesn't seem to be working and I don't remember the address offhand. Sorry. :/ Maybe someone else who knows will be able to give you better information. :)

Aah, Alright.Cheers. :)

If anyone has to details, please post them. I'd love to get chatting to some of you guys in real-time.

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:41 am

I know a lot of people have instant messengers (MSN, AIM etc), and some have them listed in their profile. If there is anyone specific you'd like to chat to you could always send them a quick pm saying so and asking if they have an IM program.

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:47 am

We should have a plot IRCC ... Kym! Host a IRC channel!

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:19 pm

Rachel wrote:I know a lot of people have instant messengers (MSN, AIM etc), and some have them listed in their profile. If there is anyone specific you'd like to chat to you could always send them a quick pm saying so and asking if they have an IM program.

And, to follow from that, you can also add more people into the chat, just like in an IRC channel. IRC is a good idea though...
Then again, there is always the c-box on the main site.

Re: IRC Chat.

Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:51 am

Why doesn't the link to the irc channel work anymore?

Re: IRC Chat.

Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:10 am

Incorrect41 wrote:Why doesn't the link to the irc channel work anymore?

You mean ? I don't know why... I'm trying to use the c-box on main page but it says I've been banned and I don't know why o_0 I haven't used it in like a month. *shrug*

Re: IRC Chat.

Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:27 am

The IRC was taken down off the main site. You can always use the cbox, or bombard Kym until he puts it back up.

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:37 pm

Oops wrote:The IRC was taken down off the main site. You can always use the cbox, or bombard Kym until he puts it back up.

Right, obviously it was taken down. I want to know why. IRC is better in plenty of different ways compared to the cbox.

edit: And who's idea was it to put up the chat box in the first place?

edit2: It's been nearly five days since I originally posted this. Is this part of the forum dead?

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:40 pm

Not many of the forum members use the Cbox on the main page 'cos we have the forums. If you have specific questions about the Cbox, I would PM Kymothy about it :)

Re: IRC Chat.

Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:26 am

To make you guys happy, I set up a channel on It's conveniently named PPT. It has a werewolf bot for playing werewolf on there!

Re: IRC Chat.

Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:21 am

Blake wrote:To make you guys happy, I set up a channel on It's conveniently named PPT. It has a werewolf bot for playing werewolf on there!

Am I ignorant or does the page not work? All I see is

iWind Server

Re: IRC Chat.

Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:26 am

Siouxper wrote:
Blake wrote:To make you guys happy, I set up a channel on It's conveniently named PPT. It has a werewolf bot for playing werewolf on there!

Am I ignorant or does the page not work? All I see is

iWind Server is an irc server. You need an IRC client to access it. Try downloading Mirc.

Re: IRC Chat.

Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:12 pm

What the heck? Pinkpt already has an IRC channel on called #pinkpt. The applet on the site USED to direct there. Don't make another.

I was wondering WHY we made the cbox in the first place. The cbox obviously is the reason that the IRC channel isn't popular anymore. (If you disregard the fact that THERE IS NO LINK TO IT ANYMORE FROM THE SITE.) My point is that the introduction of the cbox was unnecessary. We didn't need it, and it only helped people stop coming to the IRC channel.

IRC is a much better platform for instant chatting. The whole idea of adding something like the cbox when we already had a BETTER form of instant communication is very surprising. I want to know whose idea it was to add it and why they felt the need to (excuse my french) screw faithful, and might I add most like more experienced channel operators out of their jobs.

I'm as good as the founder of the IRC channel that has been the official channel for this site for seven years and I believe that I deserve to at LEAST speak with Kyn about it, if not him and the person who came up with this brilliant idea of creating this cbox.

You may think I'm being rude but here is how it went:

- Pinkpt has an IRC channel in which it gets 50+ users at once on a normal day. The people here respect eachother and all is well.
- For whatever reason, a cbox is added to the HOMEPAGE of This obviously sends people away from the IRC channel because it's easier to access because it's on the homepage. This is a complete outrage and an insult to the people who have worked hard for years on the IRC channel. Nobody from the staff even contacted us regarding the decision to make this cbox, nobody asked for our opinions, nobody offered us staff jobs, and nobody seemed to take into account what it would do to our jobs and our users.
- We were losing users but still doing our jobs, being faithful to the site and the site's required rules. We're absolutely upset. We email but get the same "Cbox is easier to maintain." response, which is absolutely untrue if you know anything about IRC and its many advantages over the cbox.
- Eventually, nearly everybody but the regulars left. The cbox is in full effect.
- We find out that someone actually completely disconnected us from the website we served for nearly seven years. We've done so much and our opinions have been completely ignored throughout this whole process.

This is when I decided to make this post. The advantages to IRC compared to cbox are immense, and I think it was a silly idea to replace (And yes, you guys DID replace) the IRC channel with it. We want a say in it. We have been here as long as, if not longer than a good chunk of the staff.

Again, I don't want a random user to respond. I want to speak with Kym and the person who put this cbox idea into effect. I want to finally be treated as staff.

We deserve better than this and have good reason to be upset about it.
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