This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
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PPT for the Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:41 pm

Hello, all. :) I'd like to announce a change that has been a long time coming. As time moves on, things change and we'd like to change with them. We've noticed that the interest in Neopets has waned somewhat since PPT started many years ago. We've had many long discussions on where we might perhaps expand in the future. Kym has a certain interest he has brought up and we've sent around several silent polls to random members. The response has been very positive, so we'd like to implement it and see how it goes over. :)

PPT will now be a Naruto fansite! Anime is very popular right now and Naruto is one of the heavy hitters at the moment. We think this will encourage activity and bring along many new members. There will still be a board reserved for Neopets, of course. It would be ridiculous to erase it entirely after all these years. :) Many changes will happen today, so please be patient with us. Thank you very much! :)

As always, feel free to post your opinions here. We'd love to hear your feedback! :)

So everyone's aware, the remaining Neopets board is now in the Entertainment section here. :)

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:49 pm


Give me back General Chat!!!!

Actually, give me back all of Neopets Discussions.

Please :battar:

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:07 pm

okay i would find this joke funny if you hadn't removed all the neoboards...... which as i know will only get me yelled at for spamming otherplaces like always.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:31 pm

Dude, this is PPT.
This is the home of uber-nerd HL.

I doubt they actually deleted them. Just made them staff-only in the meantime.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:34 pm

@ Jas-chan, Rune-chan, Kym-kun or Hunter-kun

As someone who has no seen a Naruto episode can you please tell me who that guy at the top is and who is the guy that where our stars used to be.
Last edited by Combusken BG on Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:36 pm

Combusken BG wrote:@ Jas-chan, Rune-chan, Kym-kyu or Hunter-kyu

As someone who has no seen a Naruto episode can you please tell me who that guy at teh top is and who is teh guy that where our stars used to be.

Ah thank you Combusken. What he said. We're more than a little Naruto 'deprived' over here in the U.K.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:37 pm

AHAHA Helena's Choji. :P Oh wait...I am too.

The guy at the top is Kakashi, by the way.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:39 pm

Byakuya San wrote:AHAHA Helena's Choji. :P Oh wait...I am too.

Explain plzkthanx. o_O

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:41 pm

Helena wrote:
Byakuya San wrote:AHAHA Helena's Choji. :P Oh wait...I am too.

Explain plzkthanx. o_O

Choji is everyone's least favorite character. Or at least mine.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:42 pm

Byakuya San wrote:
Helena wrote:
Byakuya San wrote:AHAHA Helena's Choji. :P Oh wait...I am too.

Explain plzkthanx. o_O

Choji is everyone's least favorite character. Or at least mine.

Oh thank you Byakuya! *annoyed*
Not really.
Not much, anyway.

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:46 pm

Silly Jas neglected to mention this, but in the next couple weeks we're going to be adding a yaoi section to the boards to please everyone as well :)

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:46 pm

Combusken BG wrote:@ Jas-chan, Rune-chan, Kym-kyu or Hunter-kyu

As someone who has no seen a Naruto episode can you please tell me who that guy at teh top is and who is teh guy that where our stars used to be.

Sure thing. :) In the header is Kakashi. :)

Special Ranks:
Image - Naruto (Kym)
Image - Rock Lee <3 (Jasujo)
Image - Sakura (Rune)
Image - Sasuke (Hunter)
Image - Kakashi (Global Mods)
Image - Hinata (Mods)
Member Ranks:
Image - Chouji (New Member - Growing Roots)
Image - Neji (Starting to Smell)
Image - Gaara (Fossilized)
Image - Jiraiya (Ancient)
Image - The Third Hokage (Legendary)

If you'd like to know more about them, there is a character list here. :)

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:14 pm

Is this just the forums? Or the whole site?


Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:19 pm

We're going to start in the forums, since it's easier, and gradually change everything else over. :)

Re: PPT for teh Future

Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:24 pm

Oh ok. Well good luck with everything. :)
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