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Has the podcast died?

Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:33 pm

I want to know why the podcast has stopped. Due to my lack of being here, I don't know why it did stop, I hope for it to start again!!

Re: Has the podcast died?

Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:42 pm

There have been some staff changes lately. I wouldn't say it's dead, but it's probably accurate to label it "on vacation."

Re: Has the podcast died?

Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:35 pm

Moved this topic to "PPT Forum Discussion".

The podcast is on hiatus while we sort out a few other things at PPT.

I'd like to have the podcast become a regular, weekly thing again. If anyone is interested in hosting, drop me a private message.

You will need a Skype account, a fast internet connection, a microphone, headphones and be someone who is very talkative.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:35 am

Well, if I'm not training or working at the time, I'm happy to contribute... I will need to spend a little more time on Neopets I think though.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:25 pm

I would love to help with the podcast!!! I just need a better microphone, and spend some more time on neopets.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:18 am

lemonade wrote:I would love to help with the podcast!!! I just need a better microphone, and spend some more time on neopets.

Same Here

Re: Has the podcast died?

Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:44 pm

Ok, I got a new microphone + headphones, I'm ready now!!

Re: Has the podcast died?

Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:58 am

All noted guys. When this project starts again, I'll shoot you guys a PM.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:55 pm

I'm also interested in becoming part of the podcast. I have adequate audio equipment - specifically a microphone that cost me a whopping $80. It was the best I could afford at the time, and soon I will be purchasing myself a much higher quality one.

I did consider applying for the Podcast administrator position, but I can't say I'm good enough at organising events, and being UK-based, while the majority of the members from are from the US, scheduling issues are bound to arise.

Drop me a PM with specifics once the podcast is rollin' again.


Re: Has the podcast died?

Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:55 pm

I hope it comes back soon! I miss having weekly episodes. I would love to be part of it, but I'd have to sort things out with my parents first, since it is their Skype account.

I do miss the podcast, and best of luck sorting things out! Can't wait for its return!


Re: Has the podcast died?

Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:55 pm

I'd love to join, but I'm busy enough with LW's podcast.
Good luck though. :)

Re: Has the podcast died?

Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:29 am

Thanks for the notice guys. A reminder that the position for Podcast Administrator is now open so for anyone out there interested in leading your own team of podcast hosts, check out the announcements board on the forums for more information.

For those interested in hosting (and not being the Administerator), keep your eyes keen for upcoming announcements about the podcast.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:14 pm

I don't think I could handle podcast admin.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:27 pm

lemonade wrote:I don't think I could handle podcast admin.

Nor could I. It's an awful lot of responsibility - arranging podcasts and picking members to participate. Being in the UK, I can imagine it'd be absolute hell for anyone from the US, having to do a podcast as soon as they get in from school and the likes.

Boo to you, Mr Timezone Differences.

Re: Has the podcast died?

Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:02 pm

Shoyru_Lover wrote:Thanks for the notice guys. A reminder that the position for Podcast Administrator is now open so for anyone out there interested in leading your own team of podcast hosts, check out the announcements board on the forums for more information.

For those interested in hosting (and not being the Administerator), keep your eyes keen for upcoming announcements about the podcast.

will you not be doing it any more then?
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