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The Intelligence Statistic list is wrong.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:49 pm

My Gelert has read 6 books and is Bright not Average

Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:00 pm

I think that the factor is a little bit randomized, so it is almost impossible for it to be precise. Of coures, I haven't been on Neo in over a month so it's hard for me to say...

Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:18 pm

Angus Young wrote:err this is for comments, discussion, and suggestions of pinkpt not neopets neopets stuff belongs in the general neopets board :D

And they're right... this is information listed on the ppt site. They're questioning it's validity and giving additional information.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:43 pm

Don't forget that those stats levels are based on books, not intelligence points. I bought 25 cheap books for my pet, read them, and monitored her intelligence.

Your pet's intelligence is based on more factors than books read :)

Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:51 pm

*nods* My pets get the majority of their intelligence points by playing Faerie Crossword. I don't really buy books that often.
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