This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:49 pm
My Gelert has read 6 books and is Bright not Average
Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:00 pm
I think that the factor is a little bit randomized, so it is almost impossible for it to be precise. Of coures, I haven't been on Neo in over a month so it's hard for me to say...
Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:18 pm
Angus Young wrote:err this is for comments, discussion, and suggestions of pinkpt not neopets neopets stuff belongs in the general neopets board
And they're right... this is information listed on the ppt site. They're questioning it's validity and giving additional information.
Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:43 pm
Don't forget that those stats levels are based on
books, not intelligence points. I bought 25 cheap books for my pet, read them, and monitored her intelligence.
Your pet's intelligence is based on more factors than books read
Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:51 pm
*nods* My pets get the majority of their intelligence points by playing Faerie Crossword. I don't really buy books that often.
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