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PPT Stats (II)

Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:20 pm

Do you remember when i did this 4 months ago?
Do you remember that i said i'd try it again later on?
Do you remember the day that the original PPT forums vanished?

Well... hopefully you said yes to all of those. Otherwise, *shakes fist* read my posts more!!! Haha. Anyway. I logged the TOP 200 posts on the forums on May 1st, 2004. These values are compared to the statistics made on Feb 11th, 2004

So... i got these posts just a few weeks before the downtime. So... do you want to reminisce at these numbers?

Remember, such numbers aren't important. We get a nice fresh start here at the (temporary) PPT forums. :)

* 6 people were able to make an incredible 1000+ posts within the time period.
* 2 people actually had -1 posts.
* Youngest member signed up on the top 200: DAWN (11/10/03)
* there are a total of 699696 posts. (cool huh?)
* the staff (as indicated on the NEW ppt) has an average of 4570 posts between them.

* People with 0 posts on the top 200 has DECREASED by 8. (44 --> 36)
* 10 new people have made it onto the top 200. (one of them being a SUPER mod)
* there are an average of 3499 posts. This value has INCREASED by 214
* there are an average post increase of 128. This value has INCREASED by 76.

** Most increased posts: Chris the Inconcievable (1777 posts!!!)
** Most increased ranks: Chaud (79 ranks up)
** Last Stats Most increase Posts (Bunneylover) only gained 512 posts
** Last Stats Most increase Ranks (Fzun) only gained 20 ranks

** Runey made the most amount of posts (1030)
** DiscordantNote gained the most ranks (+17)
** Iconoplast is NEW to the top 200
** Chromey still tops the list (overall and superMod)
** Lillie tops the list for mods
** Runey tops the lists for admin
** 2 mods don't make the top 200 (no records)

Again, just to remind, these stats are done under my own time. They have nothing to do with the staff nor were they asked by the staff. Also, don't feel that you need to "post like crazy" so you can be in the top 200. A post count means nothing. Its just there. Its a statistic. I'm just organizing things to just point out some things. :)

Hopefully these aren't the last time we see these numbers, but... its a blast of the past on what we have done. :)

Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:31 pm

Do you remember when i did this 4 months ago? No!
Do you remember that i said i'd try it again later on? No!
Do you remember the day that the original PPT forums vanished? YES!

Ah HA! I am NOT completly lost! XD

114, eh? That's rather suprising. I thought I'd be waaaaay lower than that.

Awesomeness, Scoot! That's really spiffy. :D

Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:31 pm

I was searching for my name for ages until I realized you'd done this when I was playing my prank, and I was .JaNuDy. at that time :P

How do you know Dawn was the youngest? O.o

Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:33 pm

_jade_em_ wrote:I was searching for my name for ages until I realized you'd done this when I was playing my prank, and I was .JaNuDy. at that time :P

How do you know Dawn was the youngest? O.o

Oh, youngest in terms of date registered to ppt. :)

Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:59 pm

I'm one of the mods not on the list...

Now whose the other? I didn't see Linas name....

Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:00 pm

Hmm.....41st! I was at the time Chris the Inconcievable.

Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:42 pm

You. Dork. Bahahaha.
Since you have so much time on your hands, how 'bout you do my math tarea, por favor?

Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:26 am

I miss my 4885 posts. :( (Well, more, since I wasn't inactive from May 2-13, as I do remember being around 10-15 posts away from 5000... x_x)

Ah well. It's more fun now. I have a higher rank, plus I'm starting anew (until the backup shows up). Can't wait to hit 100.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:25 am

It actually took 2 minutes for me to figure out what the ranks were. Once I did, I felt a bit dumb.

Anyway, that's a pretty interesting project. Keep up the good work!

Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:14 am

Cool-ness! More statistics! I'm a big math guy and what-not, so this is very "coo." Keep it up man!

Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:59 am

Do you remember when i did this 4 months ago? No!
Do you remember that i said i'd try it again later on? No!
Do you remember the day that the original PPT forums vanished? YES!

*checks PPT STATISTICS, II!!! and notices the statistics don't cover the following things.

Before the Forums when down I was between knitting_knut and atomicblonde as I had 2530-2535 posts at that time. Going by the name Combusken BG(since I was Beyond Godly at time) from the time I hit 2500 posts I reached the Beyond Godly rank.

Shoyru_Lover had also was Beyond Godly before the original PPT forums vanished

Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:56 am

It keeps saying that file is invalid....*blinks*

Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:38 am

Do you remember when i did this 4 months ago? Yes
Do you remember that i said i'd try it again later on? No, guess I didn't read that part. :?
Do you remember the day that the original PPT forums vanished? Yes

ahoteinrun wrote:I'm one of the mods not on the list...

Now whose the other? I didn't see Linas name....

Lina's up there. Scott just made a little mistake (#29). :)

You aren't up there? Maybe there's three missing. I can't find CSK or CK. :?


Robin, are you trying to open it with Excel?

Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:34 am

Oh... yes. it is 3 after taking another look. Guess i had a lapse. :D hehe.

*yawn* i'm tired to fix anything. fix it yourself. >D

Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:59 pm

ah-ha! So thats what you were doing when you weren't studying for exams, huh Scott?
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