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Chat Help?

Sun Nov 21, 2004 7:17 am

I try to connect to the chat via the website and a message comes up saying connection refused.

Anything I can do to make sure it connects as I've never been on the chat before?

Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:16 pm

Well, occaisonally it will do that. It'll usually do that if you have a bad internet connection, the server is full, or the server is slow. I have mIRC and I get that sometimes. There's nothing you can really do to prevent it.

Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:10 pm

Actually you can prevent it and if the server was full it would tell you but I doubt that's the case since it can hold hundreds of users.

Anyway, snapeboy if you have a firewall on then that's probably whats not allowing you to connect to the chat. Another posibility is a router that's blocking you. You'll need to open port 6667.

EDIT: There was a minor network problem, which is fixed now. A new server that isn't configured yet was added to the round robin and didnt accept connections. Don't worry if you didn't get what I just said, the chat is fixed :)
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