I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:13 pm
--Luca College--
This is another FFX and FFX-2 based role-play.
Basically, you’re a student at a college in Luca.
You can live either in an apartment in Luca (feel free to share apartments with other students), or you can live in Kilika, Besaid or somewhere near the Mi’hen Highroad or Djose. If you live in any of the later, I’d advise that your character comes via airship or ferry….
Your character can have a maximum of 8 classes (5 major, 3 minor), and can join other clubs and activities. Please list the classes your character takes, but you can join or leave other activities whenever.
Classes and their Teachers
Black Magic –Lady Lulu
White Magic –Lady Shelinda
Warrior –Lady Paine
Thief –Lady Rikku
Gunner –Lady Yuna
Al Bhed –Mister Rin
Marketing Studies –O’aka XXIII
Songstress –Lady Lenne
Alchemy –Mister Vidina
Blitzball –Mister Wakka
Novelty Studies –Lady LeBlanc
Yevon Studies –Praetor Baralai
Machina Studies –Mister Gippal
Dark Knight and Samurai –Mister Nooj
Trainer Studies –Mister Tidus
Entertainment Classes –Tobli
Gun Magic –Mister Shuyin
Other Activities
Spherebreak –Lunchtime
Blitzball –After School
Performances –Lunchtime
Advanced Warrior Classes –Lunchtime
For classes, former are major, and latter are minor. There should be enough so there are lots of people in each class (hopefully)
And, yes, you should have some knowledge of FFX and FFX-2 if you wanna join this rp. PM me if you want to learn more info about anything.
Please include ‘Moogle’ in the other section if you have played either FFX or X-2
Please include ‘Cactuar’ in the other section if you have NOT played either FFX or X-2 (even 1 minute of it)
Where you live during the school term:
Preferred dressphere:
Race: (Human, Al Bhed, or Ronso)
Appearance: (in preferred dressphere)
* * * *
Name: Iaran
Age: 18
Home: Besaid
Where you live during the school term: Apartment right next to Luca Stadium (Floor 3, apartment 25)
Preferred dressphere: Thief
Race: Al Bhed
Appearance: Bronze/Blonde hair tied up Rikku-style except with a black thick ribbon. Bright green eyes.
Yellow bikini, with black tassels, black skirt with dark brown pouches. Black fabric tied onto arms with gold ribbons. Black gloves and boots half way between the ankle and knee.
Personality/Bio: Bubbly, happy, very friendly to everyone. Helps out everyone and knows many people. She can speak Al Bhed, and is Rikku’s daughter.
1. Thief
2. Songstress
3. Gunner
4. Black Magic
5. White Magic
1. Blitzball
2. Novelty Studies
3. Machina Studies
Other: Moogle!!!
Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:49 pm
Name: Elily
Age: 15
Home: Kilika
Where you live during the school term: An apartment in Luca. Floor 3, number 21.
Preferred dressphere: Dark Knight
Race: Al Bhed
Appearance: All black armour, which makes heavy movement.
Personality/Bio: Quiet, usually unsocialable and does things her own way. She has almost mastered Dark Knight. She owns two other dresspheres, but only sometimes uses them.
1. Warrior
2. Gunner
3. Songstress
4. White Magic
5. Alchemy
1. Machina Studies
2. Dark Knight and Samurai
3. Still deciding. Dunno yet.
Other: Moogle!
Last edited by
.:Glass Miracle:. on Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:26 am
((Thankies! When two more people join we'll start, but I hope more people join! Ooo, and do Blitzball classes!))
((BTW: you can't be teachers, but you can 'control' teachers, eg. Lady Yuna walked into the classroom and withdrew her guns. "Let's start by learning the parts of the gun," the class groaned, "just kidding! We'll start with some... target practise!" The class cheered. Yuna took out some stuffed Moogles at the front of the classroom, "take out your guns and line up two metres away from the moogles.))
((lol, someone can use that in Gunner class if they want

Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:36 am
[Gee, nobody has joined for some time. Shall we begin, or do you still want to wait, or do you want to cancel this? Or...? XD ]
Sat Jun 26, 2004 5:04 am
((Hmm, i don't know..... wahhh! *starts crying* I thought this'd be a fun rp, obviously not though.....))
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