When I post something and notice a mistake or want to add something immediately after I post but get a message saying that you cannot post so soon, I simply refresh the page and hit "Submit" again. When you refresh (if I remember this correctly as being the case for this forum), whatever you add/remove from your post won't have to be re-added/removed from your post after refreshing, so you can submit the post again after refreshing.
Ten seconds really is nothing. I'd think of it as bothersome if it was, like, 30, and even more irritating if it was, like, 60. O.O
There's a modification called
No Flood Control on Edit, which, as the name suggests, "removes the flood control when editing posts, allowing you to have a high flood limit to prevent spamming whilst not restricting the ability to edit posts." I don't know if the staff of this forum would be interested in implementing this, but there's nothing wrong with suggesting, right?
I run
The Infinity Program, a den of villains and swashbucklers.