Sorry for not being here the past few days, my internet connection iz t3h suckiest
Anubis - Really nice, I like the way you placed the image on the set itself. Also, the dog-image itself is very purdy and you made a good subtext too
everconfused - Oooh a rainbow! And it sparkles! *_* That is a great set, and I have to give you an honorable mention for putting a sort of a subtext on the avatar as well, not too many do that but I really like it.
_jaye_ - (first set) Awwww.... aww... naawww... aww!! One word: Adorable

I'm a real softie for cute images like this, seriously I'm going to cry any second now. Great choice of colors with a good subtext.
(second set) That is such a pretty ballerina image, good choice

Yet again you chose good colors for the set and I love the subtext (yeah, I know you guys must be tired of me going on and on about the subtexts but they are all so good, seriously!)
Sapphire Faerie - (second set) The image you chose for this one is really nice. Also, this is another favorite Madonna song of mine
(third set) Yay, more Madonna

I think it's great you're making Madonna sets cause I really like her. Yet again good choice of image and it matches the subtext well.
(fourth set) This is by far my favorite set you have made. Very simple yet elegant with gray-bluish colors.
Chii - (second set) Mmm... Jack Sparrow... Erhm... pardon me

You made some great font- and background effect for the set, good job!
kin - Another cute set, yippee! I bet you don't want to hear me going on about how sweet this set is so I'll make it short: Aww!
Noelle - You don't like this set?! I think it's awesome! The image portrays the entire band and that's a big plus. The fonts are great and I love all the red in it
If things continue like this, I'm going to die before I can pick any winners.
All sets are saved and uploaded, also, I fixed your set *Chellie so it's in the first post now
Edit: Added three links to ballet pics i like in the first post

I will add more links now and then to different subjects.