I'm back! I've had a lot going on, so I'll give the the juicy parts.
Well, I'm in high school. Non-high schoolers, drop out. IT'S EVIL!!! 8th grade was nothing like this. Homework is by the newtons (AHH! It's getting to me!) and studying is madness. I'll be busy, for those who didn't get that.
My grandma has a house in Florida, but she lives in Ohio during the summer. Self-explanitory. Charley only broke a window, but someone tried to break into it, explaining crow-bar marks on the door. I have no idea how it now after the turmoil down there.
Also, I've been doing marching band. I'm good at it, but had a bad audition, so I'm shared. (I'm with another lower level of playing yet I could my own position knowing that I'm better than some juniors and seniors) It's been fun, but hectic. If you're interested in marching band, talk to me.
Well, that's about it. I hope to be here more.