Neopetsmom wrote:
Actually if you look at some of the websites on the game, the innocents don't have an overwhelming chance of winning. What increases the chance of winning is to have an odd number of players. Townfolk benefit from that quite a bit. Number of roles doesn't change those odds really as normally if you add a role that benefits the innocents such as have a healer then you do something that benefits baddies. In the recent game I just finished at PPT (bear in mind these were mostly very experienced players), we had almost 30 players and about 20 roles and many secret powers in addition to roles. We also had 4 groups of baddied (werewolves, Dark Roses, Rose stealer and a volatile spirit). We had several types of dreamers and healers to help the innocents. Nonetheless the volatile spirit (a 1 person team) won. The key is that when you add a role to help the innocents you give the bad guys something that helps them.
*sigh* That was one heck of a crazy game. I'll always remember that game...

So many twists and turns. Although I can only imagine the behind-the-scenes work you had to go thru...
especially that scenario of the resurrection & conversion... wow. I still cracked up when i saw the summary of all the days. >P
In any case... back to this game... Rules are almost complete! 3:30 by the latest they'll be up today!