hyperflutterby wrote:
Just because people exagerate those myths a little, still do you really want something that clearly has a corrosive affect on flesh in your digestive tract?
For one thing, I don't drink coke. I havn't had a can of actuall coke in over five years. I can't handle caffiene in my system, it's actually very bad for people who have a heart condition (which I do).
So is chocolate.
Nor was I defending it, I was just saying it was exagereated.
I'd give anything to be able to drink coke again. I used to love it and i'd drink a fair bit every day. Two cans.. most likely if not three when I was younger. (No wonder I was hyper all the time.)
And... I have very strong teeth; perfect teeth mind you, and i've never had anything more then a retainer to push a tooth a little to the side and that was only for a month, and caused by a deformity when I was born.
I do have a heart condition, but thats not my fault, I was just born that way.
And I certainly don't have stunted growth. I've ended up at 6'0. Thats more then tall enough for any female.
The myths about coke and caffiene are highly exagerated.
And am I wrong in thinking that your digestive track has a much higher acidity then coke?
Evisceration is a sign of respect.