I didn't know whether to put this in the debating board but I think I'd rather have a discussion on this...
Anyway, lately, I feel that political correctness has got way out of hand. I'm all for equality but it really was ridiculus when my 3 year old cousin came home singing "Baa baa
blue sheep". When have you ever seen a
blue sheep?!
Also, teachers at my school have been made to call a black board, a chalk board. Fair enough but why is a white board, still a white board?
Anyway, what bought up this issue is when the Bullring in Birmingham (biggest shooping centre in the city, possibly one of the famous in the country) decided not to have a Santa or grotto as it may be offensive to non- Christians. I'm sorry but personally, I find it completely stupid. Santa is nothing to do with the Christian celebration so why has he been banned? Santa doesn't offend the non- Christians I know and they actually find it amusing that some people are offended by a fat jolly bloke in a red suit! Little kids don't care about political correctness, all they want to do is see Santa Claus and get a present, why should we ruin their fun? Also, in Stoke, they've changed the name of Christmas to Winterfest as yet again, it's offensive to non- Christians.
I'm extremely angry at this. If people are offended by any of these things, then just don't celebrate Christmas. Simple as. My entire school is obsessed with this issue. I and a few few friends have put together a petition to 'Bring Back Santa'. We're going to send it off to local newspapers, local television and the actual Bullring, just to show that the majority of people of all religions are not offended by Santa. One of my closest male friends says he will personally dress up as Santa, go to the Bullring and get parents of young children to sign the petition.
I'd just like to know your thoughts on this subject. I do apologise if I have offended anyone in this rant. I'd especially like to hear from non- Christians, are you offended or not? Also, if I may, I'd like to quote a few of you within a extremely eloquent, yet firm letter to the local press, so it's best that I get your permission first. If I can scan my petition into my computer, would you please add your name to show your suppost. Thank you for reading my rant.