Knives wrote:
I've found out, that you can do this in Powerpoint too! If you know what fill effects are, and what your planning to do with it, it's extremely simple.
Create a new presentation, and apply and background color. Search for the tab that says more options and/or fill effects, and click it. Choose from the dropdown list "Two Colors" or something of that variant, and select your two colors, and the direction in which they will go. Then hit ok, as many times as there is an ok button. Then file save as, and scroll down in the drop down list to jpg, and save it as a jpg, instead of a presentation.
Or you could take a screen shot instead of saving. This works with Microsoft Word as well- follow all of the steps Knives said except for opening up the color menu- click the 'format' tab, then 'background' and then follow her steps.