xlord_foamyx wrote:
The sun had finally set in Brightvale, a young Lupe by the name of Alex watched as one of the town’s elders went through the streets extinguishing all of the lantern street lamps. He was supposed to be in his bed, tucked in and asleep by the time his father came home, which would be in about 15 minutes. Every night Alex would look out his bedroom window waiting to see his father come home, carrying a blue plastic bag. Every night Alex’s father came home carrying a blue plastic bag (try to use word creativity), and (add those conjunctions!) inside it was either a new plushie, toy or some sort of collectible item. His father worked at the Toy Factory so he was able to bring home a new toy for Alex everyday, today as he trotted down the street Alex saw no blue plastic bag.
There you go.
It's really cool!