Eo wrote:
The Victim: The Lord of the Rings (supposedly all of it)
The Crimal: Ralph Bakshi
Original plot verse Movie plot: Come on, everybeast. We ALL know the original plot. Frodo's struggle against the ring, Samwise's struggle to help him stay alive, Aragorn's path to become king, Gandal'f fall, Wormtongue's treachery, Shelob's Tunnel, Dernhelm's Fell surprise, The End of the Ring...
Movie plot: Fat dude drools over ring. Tall dude with cloth wig takes it. Other fat dude with 70's hairdo gets it, does Happy Dance. Gandalf milks a giant cow. Sam resembles a dying mushroom with teeth. Merry and Pippin have no importance. Boromir has no pants! Viking!sauron!
Book Saruman thinks he's doing the right thing.
Movie Saruman thinks he's Santa Claus.
Book Ringwraiths make nature recoil in their presence.
Movie ringwraiths make fans recoil in their presence. Plus funky leper dance.
B: Gondor has no king.
M: Gondor has no pants... or much of a mention, come to that.
B: Eowyn I am, daughter of Eomund!
M: Mmmmmph! (Eowyn I am... person with no lines!)
B: Wormtongue: Traitorous and lustful
M: Traitorous to the job of voice-acting, also is a Jawa.
B: Everything after Helm's Deep: Is really exciting.
M: Everything after Helm's Deep: Is non-existant.
OCC characters: Ouch. Gandalf... is... Dancing man! Sam is the Amazing Talking Mushroom! Boromir wants to be a viking! (Have they no whetstones in Lorien?) Aragorn is a flasher, I swear (Displays frightening amount of leg at Prancing Pony) Gimli acts and looks like one of the Seven Dwarves, and Merry has no importance whatsoever. Whyyyy?!?!
And um, treebeard spits leaves. Which is scary.
New things: I swear Flight to the Ford didn't take so long. Really.
Also... this is how the Orcs and the Rohirrim do battle.
1. Orcs stand in line facing a line or Rohirrim.
2. They both wait a bit.
3. Eomer or someone rides down the line and shoots an orc.
4. Orc captain tells them "No shooting- wasting arrows"
5. Repeat for a VERY LONG TIME. Finally they realize "Hey. I just realized. They killed ten of us. GET EM!"
On the plus side, Merry getting Black Breathed by the two Nazgul was VERY cool.
But the Balrog appears to be a guy in a paper-mache lion mask and fluffy bedroom slippers.
Final verdict: Please, kill me- no wait, Bakshi, not me- Now.
Rating:B-This never should of happen. This isn't even the book More like the worst fanfiction I have ever seen. No, worse.
I forgot to mention, they alternate a lot between "Saruman" and "aruman"...
I think I have to see this. XD
I love making fun of bad movies...
Now it's my turn for PoA...
Victim: ...POA (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Criminal: Pretty much what br00ster said, plus the drugs those people must've been on when they came up with the bright idea of putting that talking head in the movie. =P
Book Plot: Favorite out of them all. =)
Movie Plot: Least favorite of the movies. As br00ster said, Harry shouldn't be yelly-screamy-angsty until the fifth book. Hermione is NOT self-centered. And she slapped Malfoy because he was being evil and jerky, not because "omg it flt gud!!!111" Also, BIG stuff was cut out from the scenes in the Shrieking Shack. They said nothing about who made the Marauder's Map, how they became Animagi, their friendship at Hogwarts, the Fidelus Charm, how Sirius escaped, and much more...
Poor Fred and George hardly got any screentime, let alone PERSONALITY, and they left out the great Quidditch Final; I was SO looking foward to that...
OOC: Hermione, Harry, Fred and George, Lupin (to an extent)
New things: The whole thing with them running away from Lupin was absurd. They could've cut that whole scene for some quality Sirius time.
Final Verdict: G-S