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 Post subject: WW5 Gameplay
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:49 am 
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Werewolf: Version 5.0

Explain please!
It's simply a game of eliminating the other teams before they eliminate your team. The innocents must kill off all those affiliated with evil. And those who are evil must kill off everyone else besides their team. Simple right? Heh.

What will be in this game
Eh. I don't think I'll tell you this. You guys are big enough to dip into tough waters :P

Execution will still occur every day at 6:00 PM NST (Pacific time).

However, there are a few new kinks to the game that you should be aware of. (Look later)

Night will end later than usual. 6:45.
The dead have new things to think about.
Execution is now upped to 2 people.

And perhaps some more. Please read on.

1. Roles are still given out randomly. There's no change to that. Never has, never is, maybe never will :P

What someone was last game, has no effect to what s/he is this game.

2. If you are dead, you cannot post in the game thread. Stick to Commentary. However, this game... you get some new activities to do.

3. You can NEVER claim to say that "SCOTTNAK SAID THAT..." etc. on the gamethread OR commentary thread if it is false. In addition, NEVER COPY/PASTE, FORWARD, SCREENSHOT, QUOTE my PMs to you. This is one of the biggest offences in the game and will IMMEDIATELY get you killed.

4. There are no hints about another's identity given by myself during this game.

5. Activity is important. If I notice that you have been away from this game for about 3 days worth, I will issue an activity warning to you. And if you do not respond by the end of the 4th, you will be killed off.

6. If you know you will be going on vacation for an extended period of time, do not join. However, if you are only going to be gone for 1 or 2 days, please contact me before you leave so we can work things out.

7. Lying. Don't get mad at people if you find out they were lying to you. I'll allow crocodile tears, but other than that, keep it cool. Its a game. Lets say it again. ITS A GAME.

8. No voting for yourself!

9. Times are final and based on PPT times. Keep an eye to the PPT clock (which can be found on the top left corner on the index of PPT forums). If irregularities occur, times can be extended to accomodate.

10. Have fun in this game, and if you are confused. Contact me in any way you can :P

We're going to keep the same style of voting.
However, this game, you may vote for 2 people.

If you wish to vote for someone-
Vote: Person A
Vote: Person B

If you want to CHANGE your vote, after voting for someone-
Unvote: Person B
Vote: Person F

If you want to vote for a NO EXECUTION-
Vote: None

(Basically any vote that does not include a name, will be assumed to be a NO EXEC vote)

If you want to vote for NEITHER a person NOR for a no execution DO NOT POST A VOTE.

Note: If you want to vote for two people, just make sure you have two Vote: (Name)'s. If you try to vote for a third time without an appropriate UNVOTE, I will ignore it.

Note: You cannot vote for a person twice with your 2 votes.


If you edit a vote, I may miss it.

Also remember that I might make mistakes, and if big enough, I will extend day and night to account for these errors.

I will make summaries as soon as I can and when I feel its necessary. Regardless, you should be aware of how many votes are there.

Execution Conditions

Votes must be in the game thread before the timestamp reads 6:00. If it reads 6:00 or later, it is VOID.

The person who has 51% of the amount of players playing will be executed. Example-If 30 people are playing, 16 votes are required.

If a player has 75% of the votes, votes to that person is frozen and cannot be withdrawn. And that person will be locked as an execution candidate. Example-If 30 people are playing, 23 votes are required and those votes will not be withdrawable.

If and only if there is a person with a 75% majority, you can attempt to kill another with a 51% majority.

Meaning... if there are two people with more than 51% majority, but less than 75% majority, only the person who has the higher votes will be executed.

If there is a tie (with exception if there are two people with 75% majority), or no majority, the decision will be made in another way.

Reminder: Do not expect an execution scene at 6:00 sharp. There will be many factors that will take time to realize.

Night Rules
Night begins immediately after the execution is completed (or not... if that's the case).

Night ends at 6:45 (a 45 minute wait).

"LISTS" must be sent before 6:45. If the timestamp reads 6:45 or later, it is VOID. LISTS FOR THE CURRENT DAY/NIGHT CYCLE MAY BE SENT TO ME AT ANY TIME DURING THAT DAY/NIGHT CYCLE

Killings occur in the order they are given to me.
Role-specific actions will have sufficient info to what will happen.

Note: Just like the Day executions, do not expect night killings to occur at 6:45 sharp. There are factors in the game that will affect things.

Secret Powers
*** Please Read ***

1) Do not speak of a Secret Power you may have. If you do, they will disappear.
2) Once you get the results of the power, and have used up all of its uses, you may reveal it.
3) I will inform you if you can discuss your power with others.
4) If you're not sure on what to do... please please please ask me.
5) Revealing a SP prematurely will have consequences: Loss of power or death.

Dead Rules/Abilities
1. Remember, once you are dead, you can only say things from what you have determined through the GAME THREAD.

Note: Converse is true. Living players, please do not feed dead players secret information.

2. Any advice you want to make, must come through the Commentary thread.

3. If you are part of a team (ex: Wolves), once you die, you cannot communicate with your team any more.

4. Be aware. Just because you are dead, does not mean that you are out of the game completely! There may be a possibility you can come back into this game.

5. One time in this game, when there are at least (# To be determined Later) people dead, you may vote to Take a person's soul, thereby killing him.

You must have a 2/3 majority of dead people to successfully take a person's soul.

Vote like the following:

You may NOT Unvote a Soul Steal. If a Soul Steal is not completed by the end of night, the votes are wiped clean.

Times in PST

6:00- Execution Votes are due... Then Execution
6:45- Lists for night are due... Then night killings.

----------------------------------------------------- << Yoshi needs this link because he was silly enough to forget to save the purple jelly, in case it's needed again


* Stephanie - Angel turned Devil Minion turned Devil turned Jelly Lacer Member - Executed
* Jellyoflight - Cheat Master - Jelly'd! 15

Last edited by ScottNak on Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:00 am 
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Scott walks in after having a nice christmas break, and looks at the votes.

Dawn2- 3 vote: JellyFish72, Twizzler0171, Fizzy
Stephanie- 1 vote: JellyFish72
Twinkle- 1 vote: Dawn2

7 alive
4 majority
6 to lock

"Well. Looks like we don't have a majority today. And I've already gotten the response from the person who has the choice."

"There won't be an execution today."

Night begins

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:49 am 
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"Wow... things are getting boring now: No night kills tonight!"


7 alive
4 majority
6 to lock

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:12 am 
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You're right: during the holidays nothing goes on, because no one's here... Can we do something?!


Vote: Dawn2
Vote: Stephanie

My reasons from yesterday stand... yes...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:04 am 
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Vote: Dawn2

Need I explain? *Blink* Really, if I have to, I don't mind at all...

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:11 pm 
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Cap wrote:
Dawn: How about you tell us who the baddy is and how you know and we'll be ok? You should know you're going to die by now.

I am not allowed to tell you who the baddie is. And no, I don't know that I'm going to die by now. I've escaped death (what is it, three times, two times now?) when even I thought I was going to die, so apparently miracles can happen.


Kugetsu wrote:
Unless Stephanie is a baddie, I'm certain there are none left besides Dawn.

Wrong again. ;_;

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:08 pm 
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Vote: Dawn2

Eh, it's the holidays. Everybody's at parties, on vacation, eating candy, starry-eyed over their new presents and having fun. :P
But hopefully things will start happening, I want this game over by New Year's.

~ By Optimus ~

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:59 pm 
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Fizzy... me too.

Dawn2- 3 vote: JellyFish72, Twizzler0171, Fizzy
Stephanie- 1 vote: JellyFish72,

7 alive
4 majority
6 lock

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:00 am 
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Guys... I understand that you want me dead and all...

But seriously, some of you are taking it a bit too far. Even if it is a game. I hope this doesn't count as back seat modding, but to the few who are going further than just saying they want me dead- please stop. Feelings could be hurt in the process.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:00 am 
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"Well... it seems that we will have to wait another 30 minutes to get our decision. Hold on everyone."

Dawn2- 3 vote: JellyFish72, Twizzler0171, Fizzy
Stephanie- 1 vote: JellyFish72,

7 alive
4 majority
6 lock

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:03 am 
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Scott comes back into the room and speaks, "Looks like we will have no execution today."

Night begins

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:52 am 
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Scott walks to the middle of Jelly world, takes a seat, and speaks to the crowd, "Don't worry... someone should be coming in shortly..."

Just then, Twizzler0171 comes in, clutching a piece of jelly. "No... not me... At least I... stayed... alive... this... lo..." and she falls down dead.

A bright flash of light follows.

"Well... you lost your mystic. Although she had not much of a role now..."

Day 15 begins.

6 alive
4 majority
5 lock

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:18 am 
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Just as everyone starts to leave back to their respective rooms, Fizzy comes out and yells out to the stars...

"Oh... why weren't there enough for me this last day? Without those stars, my fame is ruined..." She runs up to Scott, takes his gun, and shoots herself... dead.

Upon falling, a pair of star-shaped-sunglasses and parchment:

Your role in this game is: CELEBRITY
Victory Condition: All evil have been exterminated.

1. Every ODD night, you must work on the set for your movie, so you must leave Jelly world. As a result, anything that occurs to you on ODD nights will end up failing.

2. Every EVEN day/night cycle, you must say the word “STAR” THREE times on DIFFERENT posts. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.

3. If you get executed by the townspeople, the last person to vote for you will die with you, out of remorse for killing the celebrity

4. If you get killed at night by a force of 2 or more members on it, the person who made the kill will die.

5. If you get killed at night by a force of a single member, that person will be disabled from killing for 2 nights, out of respect for your death.

"Guess a sleepy crowd by the living hurt Fizzy dearly..."

5 alive
3 majority
4 lock

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:15 am 
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wow... It's getting down to the wire now... 5 left...

well... again, my votes are:

Vote: Dawn2
Vote: Stephanie

Same old reasons...

Ok, I won't be on all day tomorrow... We are driving home, but I'll be on at like midnight, so don't count that as me being suspicious (...)

Night all!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:01 am 
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TWIZZY! ;___;

Hey, Scott, since it was your gun that shot Fizzy, shouldn't you be dead? ;)

that's me.

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