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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:44 am 
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Location: Neopia // Thanks WIS!
Yay, go good people! Can't wait for WW6!


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:45 am 
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Good game, good game! *Glomptackles AutumnElf* Mafia won last time...

My Jelly had the most words in it! :P Nya! *Waits to see how many times she was killed this time* At least twice, I know that...

And I'll wait before revealing some secret info of my own, too.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:51 am 
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Sorry guys. Got a bit hungry :P

I'll finish up my final report.

In the mean time, all may reveal what they wish on the game :)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:54 am 
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You know whoever had that present role? Where theym could send a person the power "Double Double".

Well I could send that too..

I was able to double what a person did for a day.. But I could only do it twice..

I think I hit two good guys with it too! :D

Image Image

Lurv Teh Leetlemen. Dawn2 made the cell. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:03 am 
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Ah, okay then!

Scott messed up when he first sent my role, he had looked at the wrong line. So when I first started, I thought I was a plain innocent with the Blue Coin (who was that, anyways? o_O Did anyone get it?) That explains why I was so hyper my first couple of posts, and why I knew so much about the coins. Of course, once I found out my true role, I couldn't stop being hyper right away, or it would have looked suspicious to the innocents. So, meh.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:08 am 
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Um, Scott, what was the point of the coins?

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:10 am 
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Not that it matters much but here was my info :

I was a Plain Townsfolk

I held the Indigo Coin (*flips it* What are these for anyway ??)

I was the original Blobbified member of the group.

*Poisoned Jelly Blobbed*

You have been blobbified inside a blob of Poisoned Jelly. Unfortunately, this means you are stuck in this jelly for the duration of the day/night cycle. You are unable to use any Role Abilities or Special Powers. All you can do is act like a normal townsperson: vote.

However, with this role, comes with an additional task. There is a townsperson out there who has been labeled as the Jelly Chosen One (JCO). However, that person does not know he/she is the Jelly Chosen one. You are allowed one guess on who you think the JCO is, and you may guess this at any time.

If you are on the side of good and guess correctly, the JCO will gain the ability to stop the killings of Wolves, Mafia, or “Other baddies” twice.

If you are on the side of bad and guess correctly, not only will you gain the above powers, but you will also have converted that person to your team.

In addition, if there is NO MAJORITY FOR EXECUTION, you will get the final say on who gets executed. You must choose someone who has at least one vote (except if its from your own) OR a no execution.

Before the end of night, you must send me a list of 5 names on it. Whoever is still alive by the end of night AND is not the person who gave this to you in the first place, will receive this *Poisoned Jelly Blobbed* notice.

If you fail to send me a list, or die during daytime, this role will be randomly distributed.

Once there are 5 players remaining in this game, this Blobbing will disappear.

This is not a status effect.

And I sent it to NeopetsMom mainly because she was anti the first day execution and lead the vote to a no-vote which seemed evil

I didn't bother guessing the prize (Or Jelly Chosen One if you're not from IDB) as the odds were majorly against me andI only remembered I had to send my list two hours before execution and I wasn't allowed back on the computer for a while so had to sneak in for like 5 minutes to pass it on :P

I never got to kill anybody via no majority...tis a shame really


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:15 am 
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The Jelly Chosen one is Caesara.
TDG initially gets poison blobbed.

Day 1:

No execution vote is locked.

o_0 is day killed by the Vigilante Major (Kugetsu). o_0 was the Vigilante Minor, who would pick up any bullets left by the Vigilante Major.

However, Matt takes o_0's role due to his role as the "Second Chance Man".

TDG does not guess for anyone as the JCO. He passes it on to NPM.

Laq heals Jellyoflight from the Mafia.
Werewolves kill meowth1982 (Avenging Trio)
Mafia kills okamotosan18 (Selfish Healer)
Puck (X-man) chooses to steal DM's role next day/night.

Neopetsmom dreams of Qanda as Wolf (X)
Shadowfare dreams of Kugetsu as Devil (X)
Stephanie dreams of Ammer as Devil (X)
JellyFish72 dreams of Squinchy as Angel (X)
Twizzler0171 dreams of cap as Mafia (X)
Kidwaiy dreams of Stephanie as Angel (O).

Kidwaiy is correct, Stephanie is converted into a DEVILs MINION and is no longer an angel and is now evil.

Ziggy (Lost Magician's Assistant) tries to check if Jellyoflight is Magician (X)
He also attempts to freeze Ammer (No meaning since he is a townsfolk)

Xil (Master electrician) places an electric field around Ammer. (Once again, no meaning).

YesItIsh (mason) creates a shield for plducala16. Randomize lands on 55% shield.

Caesara follows Matt last night. Matt did not target anyone.

Plducala gives the DOUBLE DOUBLE powerup to Neopetsmom.

Fizzy the celebrity is out of town, Immune.
Blk Mage takes the wolf-4 immunity for today.
Jellyfish succeeds in her haiku-copycat power, and gets immunity and may retry the next day.

The Dog God sends the blobbing to Neopetsmom.
Monique places "DREAM KILLER" secret power onto Kidwaiy. No effect occured.
Xil names his heir as Caesara.

Puck's shield drops from 50 --> 40
Zega's shield drops from 50 --> 39
Plducala gets a shield 0 --> 55

Matt (Vigilante Minor) shoots Ahoteinrun (Quizzical Boxer).

The avenging siblings try to kill DM was on fire! However, Puck stole DM's role last night, and anything that occurs to DM will happen to him instead.

However, he had a 40% shield in play and it protected him. A roll of 15 came up, protecting him. After the attack, it dropped to 25%.

DM is chosen for execution, but again, due to Puck's pick, he is placed for execution (the redirection). However, a roll of 4 came up, which protets him again. After that, it drops to 10%.

Laq (healer) protects Qanda from Mafia
ste_is_back_ (nullifier) stops Matt

Wolves maul twizzler0171 (mystic)
Mafia shoots cap (janitor) [roll-37, fail to protect]

Kidwaiy dreams of Wind as Angel (X)
Ziggy tries to look at Matt (X)
Ziggy attempts to freeze Flatluigi (no effect)
Xil places Wind in a force field (no effect)
YesItIsh makes a 33% shield for cap.
Caesara tags along to Urthdigger, who finds out that he targeted Twizzler0171.

Neopetsmom did not designate a recipient to the Blobby Gel, so it randomly gets distributed. It goes to: Xil.

Puck's shield drops: 40 ---> 25 ---> 10 ---> 0
Zega's shield drops: 39 ---> 28

Day 3:

No execution majority is reached.
Since Xil has the Jelly Blobbification, he gets to chooes: Urthdigger.

Urthdigger is executed, and is found out to be a werewolf.

Laq protects flatluigi from both wolves and mafia.
Twinkle activates her GRAVE ROBBER role and takes Twizzler's ability to dream.

Twinkle dreams about Ammer for both WOLF and MAFIA, he is neither.

Werewolves attempt to maul jellyoflight. However, because she has an enchanted robe, she cannot be killed until after day 4.

Mafia shoots Qanda, the jelly master.
Puck102701 steals YesItIsh's role of Mason.

Dawn2 laces Plducala16, however, Caesara targets plducala16 that night, so Caesara (Tag-A-Long) dies.

Neopetsmom dreams of Puck102701 as Mafia, and is not.
Kidwaiy dreams of Shadowfare of being angel, CORRECT. So he converts Shadowfare from Angel to Devil's minion.

All Angels have been converted.

Ziggy checks yesItIsh for Magician (X)
Ziggy disables YesitIsh that night from acting (no effect).

JellyOfLight (cheat master) scores 1 point.

The blobbing is passed to Ammer.
Day 4:

No majority is reached.
Ammer has the ability to choose, and chooses The_Dog_god (townsperson with indigo coin).

(ste_is_back) The Nullifier clears Twizzler0171 from any status-effect protection.

The werewolves attempt to maul Twizzler0171, however she was resurrected, and as a PART OF THE RESURRECTION, she has a 3 day/night immunity from ALL death. So she does not die.

The Mafia shoot Flatluigi (Avenging Trio)

Dawn2 laces YesItIsh with the radioactive Jelly, however, Puck stole YesItIsh's role, and instead HE gets poisoned. No-one else targeted puck, so he dies. (X-man)

Neopetsmom dreams of Shadowfare as wolf (X)
Twizzler dreams Sirclucky as mafia (X)

Xil prevents flatluigi from acting at night.

Ammer sends the blob to Stephanie.
Day 5:

YesItIsh gives Twizzler a 38% shield.

Matt uses his last bullet (as Vigi Minor) to kill Blk Mage(Werewolf).

Mafia shoots Neopetsmom.
Dawn2 (lacer) targets Kugetsu, however, healer (laq) and nullifier (ste_is_back) targets Kugetsu, and they die instead.

Twizzler dreamt of Jellyfish72 as wolf (X)
Ziggy places forcefield around jellyoflight (no eff)
and inspects Nelly for Magician (X)

Stephanie sends blob to Xil
Day 6:

Raze (avenging trio) shoots Kidwaiy (Devil)
Stephanie gets upgraded to Devil.

The Wolves day maul Xil (master electrician)
However, Ammer is named as apprentice, and recieves that role.

No execution is reached.
Xil was the blob, but got killed, it's not redirected until later, no decision is met.

Weighted randomnumber generator lands on 4- sirclucky. (townsperson)

Twinkle heals plducala16.
Werewolf attempts to kill Twizzler0171 (last night of protection)
Mafia attempts to convert Werewolfvictim. Twizzler did not die, so she is not converted.

Jelly lacer places on Wind. She dies.

Mystic Twizzler dreams of plducala16 of wolf (X)
gundam_kola01 is placed under Ziggy's spell (but as not spokeswolf, no effect)
and dreams of Sock being the Magician (X)

Blob is sent to Jellyoflight.
Day 7:

Gundam_kola01 is executed (wolf).
Twinkle protects Twizzler from Mafia
Jelly Lacer targets Ammer, but Wolves target Ammmer as well. Sock dies.

Werewolves are defeated.

Plducala16 is killed by mafia.

Twizzler dreams of Stephanie as Mafia (X)
Ammer puts White_Wolf in electric-field. White_wolf is not the spokesperson, no effect.

Jellyoflight gains another cheat point (3)
Dya 8:

White_Wolf (Mafia) is executed.

Twinkle (healer) protects Twizzler from Mafia

Ammer puts Darklegendary in electric-field. He is the last remaining Mafia, so Mafia cannot attack. (Which is why He does not die by Lacer).

Ammer is then killed by Lacer.

JellyFish72 is dreamt by Twizzler as Mafia(X)
Jellyoflight gains 2 cheat points (5)

Dawn2 is given the blob.
Day 9:

Darklegendary (mafia) gives a present to Kugetsu. Kugetsu decides to return to sender. The present had a secret power in it.

All presents contain "lost" secret powers. That is, any powers that did not go to anyone upon someone's death, would be placed on the top of my pool. The power on the top of the pool is the REDIRECTION power.

((Note: Later realized that Dawn2 acquired that special power... That was a mistake. Whoops. Either way however, the execution would be prevented. Just... Kugetsu wouldn't have died. My mistake _._)

Darklegendary activates his new secret power. Redirection to Kugetsu.

Darklegendary gets a majority, Kugetsu (Vigi Major) dies instead.

Twinkle protects Twizzler from Mafia

Mafia kills Matt (vigi minor)
Lacer is unable to kill due to blobbing

Magician places reflective essence onto Darklegendary, but no-one targets Darklegendary.

Stephanie is given the blob.

Jellyoflight cashes in 4 of her 5 cheat points to get the on-thread dream. She dreams of Jellyfish72. However, despite the fact that JellyFish72 is evil, she is a devil meaning she comes out as townsfolk.
Day 10:

Darklegendary uses his "TAMPERING" special power to stop the execution.

Ziggy (lost magician's assistant) is shot
Warxelo is poisoned.

Jellyoflight loses a point (0 total)
Dawn2 is NOT mafia to Twizzler

Jellyoflight gets blob.
Day 11:

Darklegendary uses his "TEAM IMMUNITY" power to protect him. He cannot shoot tonight.

A tie vote results. Jellyoflight makes decision. But she does not send in one. Randomize chooses and lands on 12. 12 means Nelly dies. Nelly- Townsfolk.

Twizzler is protected by Twinkle
Twizzler0171 dreams of Fizzy as Mafia (X)

Squinchy places reflective chance on Jellyoflight, but nothing targets Jellyoflight so it is of no use.

Darklegendary gets blob.
Day 12:

Darklegendary and Dawn2 get majority for execution.

Darklegendary (Mafia) is executed.
Dawn2 uses her power of redirection to kill Raze (avenging trio) instead.

Dawn2 "kills" Stephanie. However, Stephanie is a Devil. So, she joins Dawn's team.

Twinkle has no need to protect as there is no more mafia.
Twizzler has no need to dream as there is no more mafia.

Blob is in limbo at night, sent to Dawn2.
Day 13:

No majority gets reached.
Dawn2 chooses no execution.

Lacer team cannot attack because Dawn2 is blobbed.

Blob goes to Stephanie
Day 14:

No majority is reached.
Stephanie gets the decision. But the only choice she has is Dawn2, Stephanie, or No Execution. Stephanie cannot pick herself. Stephanie cannot pick Dawn2 (same team). So her only choice is No Execution.

Lacer team kills Twizzler0171 (mystic)

Fizzy dies because she did not post "STAR" 3 times that day/night cycle.

5 people are left. The Blob is no longer in play.
Day 15:

Stephanie gets majority and is executed (Angel, turned Devils Minion, turned Devil, turned Jelly Lacer Member)

Jellyoflight dies (Cheat Master).
Day 16:

Soul Steal is activated Dawn2 (Jelly Lacer) dies.

JellyFish72 is devil, however has no evil team to convert him/her onto, and is no-longer evil. Survivor.

Twinkle is the healer. Survivor.

Townspeople win.

Note: Had Dawn2 "killed" JellyFish72 on Day 13 or later, the game would have ended in their victory.

Also, had Stephanie been saved, the game would have also ended instantly at the end of that night (Because the Soul Steal had failed).

In any case, Stephanie voting for Dawn2 on the soul steal upset me a bit... You don't vote out of spite. That's poor sportsmanship and I was disappointed.


An extra mistake i made: I didn't give the blob to Stephanie thru PM. However, based on the possibilities she had, it was no trouble. (So Whew on that)


Mystery of the coins- As Kugetsu had insinuated in the middle of the game, they mean absolutely NOTHING. Make something out of nothing I say :D

A blue coin was indeed given to Twizzler, but that was because I miscounted. I didn't look on the wrong line of my sheet (like I said) I accidentally forgot to transfer the other Mystic role to my main sheet, which Twizzler was. So in the mean time, she had a "blank role" meaning she was a townsperson [and given the blue coin].

But after finding the mistake, i just got rid of the blue coin. There was no blue coin.


Wolves had the following role sheet.

Your role for this game is: WEREWOLF
Side: Evil
Victory Conditions: Your Numbers = “The Others”
The werewolves for this game are: Blk Mage, gundam_kola01, Sock, Urthdigger

Here is what you can do this game-

0. As long as all four wolves are alive, one wolf is randomly given immunity during nighttime.

1. Every night you must send me a list of 5 names. Whoever is on top of the list by night time, will be mauled.

2. One time in this game, you may IMMUNIZE a werewolf from death for a complete day/night cycle. However, taking this action will prevent you from mauling at night.

3. You are allowed to make one DAY KILL. Tell me who you would like to kill, and I will carry it out as soon as I can.

4. If you kill a person with a secret power (unused), you will receive it. You may discuss all powers with each other.

5. One time in this game, if there are at least 10 people alive, you may send me a list of 6 names before Night Ends. I will send them the same exact quiz question to each of them the next day. They will not be able to act upon whatever role they have (or vote) until they answer the quiz question. If they do not answer by the end of Day, they will be disabled the next night (the night following receiving this question) as well.

You have 3 options as the owner of this power:

1) Guess whether a majority will get it RIGHT (4 or greater) or WRONG (3 or less).
If you are correct, you will earn a Secret Power.
If you are incorrect, you will be disabled for the next day/night.

2) Guess exactly HOW MANY people got it right.
If you are correct, you are allowed an extra kill at any time you wish and are allowed another try at this chance. You may choose the style of killing, as long as it is appropriate.
If you are incorrect, a secret power will be randomly distributed to the townsfolk (not necessarily those who you picked)

3) Guess that a SPECIFIC person has gotten this question WRONG.
If you guess correctly, you may instantly kill that person.
If you guess incorrectly, you will instantly get killed.

You may choose ONE option. I will give you the results as soon as it is possible, or at the latest, when DAY ends.

Those who you pick will each get the following PM:
*** QUIZ TIME!!! ***
You are completely disabled from doing anything on the game until you answer the following question. This includes voting, special powers, and role powers.

Q: <question would be entered here>

You must answer this question as soon as possible.
5 others have received this identical question. Answering it correctly or incorrectly has its different consequences.

Once you have given me an answer to this question, you are enabled to act in this game (meaning, you may now vote, use special powers, and role powers).

You may not send a question to your teammates.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:26 am 
PPT Warrior
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So JellyFish wasn't ever a townsperson.. It fooled us!

And I was killed twice! Once by Dawn! **cursed lacer**

And the coins befuddled us all.. Pooey.

Image Image

Lurv Teh Leetlemen. Dawn2 made the cell. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:28 am 
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Yes! I was died 8 times! (Was that how much? I may have miscounted.) I beat my old record! :D Thank you Twinkle! And I still have the highest death count. 8)

That was one long list.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:40 am 
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The coins did nothing *blink*

Come on - you could have at least put a coin role in Scottyboy :P

Eg :

Coin Collector
Victory : All innocents and other baddy teams are eliminated

Each night you may dream about a player to see whether they hold a coin or not. If you find somebody with a coin then you will be granted one of the following powers :

1. The power to redirect an execution to somebody else (One use). You may not use this on yourself. Blue Coin

2. To power to crush somebody with a stamp album (One use). This kill must occur during the day. Red Coin

3. A 60% shield (Automatically equips to you). Yellow Coin

4. The power to stop a player from voting each day. You may not stop the same player two days in a row (Infinite use). Green Coin

5. The power to steal somebody else's role for the rest of the game. You will keep your Coin Collector role. (One use) Indigo Coin

6. The power to stop all dreams on the night of activation (Three uses). Purple Coin

In addition to this you can also kill one person a night by throwing coins at them

You may also immunize yourself from death once


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:51 am 
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I actually did think long and hard on how to use the coins for a role...
but then i got the idea that it would be more fun if they were there for no reason :P

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:54 am 
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I can take my Blue Coin then, right, Sir Scott? Because it didn't do anything or what not? *Steals it back anyways* Hah! I was the only non-plain-Innocent to have a coin (that wasn't an heir/converted)! I was close to being converted though, if I got that correctly...

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:57 am 
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Yes. Yes you were... :P

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:13 am 
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A lot sure did happen this game. I'm looking foward to a ww6.

Honk Honk Honk $#%#$% honk hooooonk.

- Honk

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