Alright... So this is what i believe to be is the general concensus:
1) Game was too big (As I had expected)
2) There were in fact 12 baddies to start with. That was the 25% I had. Plus 3 conversion (2 of which were successful). Unfortuately, two of those evil roles never got to be played (dropped). So that's why you may think it was "too few baddies"
3) Soul Stealing sounds like a straddled issue, but I think I'll keep it for another round. You guys should pay attention to it anyway too though
4) Jelly Blob:
*Poisoned Jelly Blobbed*
You have been blobbified inside a blob of Poisoned Jelly. Unfortunately, this means you are stuck in this jelly for the duration of the day/night cycle. You are unable to use any Role Abilities or Special Powers. All you can do is act like a normal townsperson: vote.
However, with this role, comes with an additional task. There is a townsperson out there who has been labeled as the Jelly Chosen One (JCO). However, that person does not know he/she is the Jelly Chosen one. You are allowed one guess on who you think the JCO is, and you may guess this at any time.
If you are on the side of good and guess correctly, the JCO will gain the ability to stop the killings of Wolves, Mafia, or “Other baddies” twice.
If you are on the side of bad and guess correctly, not only will you gain the above powers, but you will also have converted that person to your team.
In addition, if there is NO MAJORITY FOR EXECUTION, you will get the final say on who gets executed. You must choose someone who has at least one vote (except if its from your own) OR a no execution.
Before the end of night, you must send me a list of 5 names on it. Whoever is still alive by the end of night AND is not the person who gave this to you in the first place, will receive this *Poisoned Jelly Blobbed* notice.
If you fail to send me a list, or die during daytime, this role will be randomly distributed.
Once there are 5 players remaining in this game, this Blobbing will disappear.
This is not a status effect.
Guess I forgot to post that.
5) Length was long. I know that. Boo.
* I think based on high input, we will have two split games. Whether or not they'll combine, I'll think about that later.
* Setting will be HAUNTED WOODS!
* We will leave Neopia after this game... hopefully spark some other creative ideas.
* The rules for Game 6 are being written as we speak.
* Happy New Year (Eve) Everyone