Alex wrote:
Guys, there's still Stephanie. Don't go saying the game's going to end just yet o.O Has her 'innocence' or identity been confirmed?
And I'd try and go for the double execution. I'm still suspicious of JayJay and Stephanie, personally.
The game will end tonight! You'll see, regardless if I die or nothing. Either way the innocents will win. Why did I wait to tell? I didn't people who I trusted knew....
Qanda, it'll be fun seeing your reactions when and if I do die today. You obviously don't know the meaning of knowing something for a "fact" as you say.
Oh and I seriously doubt that stephanie is bad, tho she is the only wildcard. So lets see what happens.
Yup, right now I have nothing to loose, so I'm done convincing. I seriously belive that the games over. For those who were wondering, I can protect anyone against ancient attacks. Thats about all my role can do...
Alex, your right I have no idea if the games going to end, because I've never played this game before. But your suspicions are useless right now because I know for a fact I’m what I say I am, and Stephanie is innocent too!
As for a reason why I didn’t answer your question, the truth being I honestly forget to read the commentary part, remember this is my first time playing
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