Immunity challenge results
As both tribes have sent in their answers for the immunity challenge, I will be ending it now. The sentence was:
Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald
It was one of the answers to cliffhanger. o_0 realised that and sent it in hours before Hakunamatata. xjox from Hakunamatata sent in the correct answer too, but was far too late. Therefore, Valentia is the winner of the immunity challenge.
I have received sad news that due to some unfortunate circumstances, Luckystar101 can no longer continue playing this game. He shall be considered voted out from today's tribal council. Therefore, instead of voting for two people, you only have to vote for one.
Voting Guidelines1) PM me individually which person you wish to vote out.
2) You must include reasons why you voted for this person.
3) The person with the most votes for him/her is voted out. If there is a tie, my randomiser will decide.
4) All votes must come within 24 hours of this post. Anyone who fails to vote will be the one eliminated instead of the person voted by the majority. If more than one person forgets to vote, it will again be decided by my randomiser.
5) When voting, please write your tribe name and the person you are voting for in the PM title, so that I can tally the votes more easily.
In the PM, please vote in this format:
Vote: Qanda
He is obnoxious and annoying and should be voted out.
ADDIT: Just to make this clearer: In your voting PM title, you are supposed to write your tribe name and the name of
the person you are voting for , not your own name.
Therefore, if I am from Valentia and am voting for person A I will write:
Valentia - vote A
in my PM title.
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