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Photobucket database move

Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:26 am

If you didn't already know, photobucket has been having problems. The latest message reads that things should be fine, but in 'read only' status at the moment. Well that was true up to a few hours ago. I host all my images (petspages, web pages, even my very first self made av) on photobucket, and now they're not showing up. I can't log into photobucket either.

This is ok, except that I've been speaking to other photobucket users and they say that they can log in fine, and their images and direct linking and everything else is as per normal.

Could this be like when neo does a database move?: Some people are moved, and whilst that's happening their shops/inventory,SDB etc is inaccessable, while other who have already been moved are fine?

Some feedback would be really great! Are your photobucket images showing up fine in your webs?

Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:11 am

When I login, I get this:
This page cannot be displayed

So, it doesn't work for me.
I may work for others because photobucket has a number of servers, and those who couldn't login have their pics hosted on the servers that are down.

Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:47 am

That would explain why I've spent the last 30 minutes unsuccessfully attempting to get into my Photobucket account :? You're not the only one.

Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:01 am

I think Photobucket is having problems again. My lookups are gone, but it's not a bandwidth exceeded message, just no image.

Just tried logging in and going to the forum there, I keep getting the refresh page so I can't even check to see if there's an announcement on the front of the forum page. Hopefully this is temporary! Maybe I'll try emailing Alex...

Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:09 pm

Thats why alot of peoples Sets weren't showing up ..

Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:44 pm

yup. my ccy111 account is having problems [], but my neoscreenshotz account [] is having no problems at all.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:44 pm

My set still works yet my photobucket account isn't, well god forbid.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:53 pm

.ccy wrote:yup. my ccy111 account is having problems [], but my neoscreenshotz account [] is having no problems at all.

That's most likely because the first account is "img19" and the second is "img78", aka it's further in the database.

I was wondering why most sets weren't showing up for me.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:35 am

Weird, my images seem to be showing up.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:17 am

Only some of the accounts are down, mainly ones with a lower number in the URL. I have access to two accounts, my main one is img7, and it's down, the other is img43 (actually an account I created to host some things for a friend) and I'm using it to host my temporary sig.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:58 am

No wonder my sets aren't showing up, mine is img3.

Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:51 pm

everything is fixed now, but maybe the higher the 'img***' determines the database server (like Dragonfire said). They can't upgrade all of their hardware at the same time, so the older servers have older equipment that is more prone to failing.
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