Ammer wrote:
Wow, erm, thank you everyone for your experiences and your helpful advice. But the problem I have is...NEEDLES? I am terrified of needles, honestly, I can't go near one. Do I have to have a needle?
Uh yes, if you're going to be knocked out, they will use a very small needle to administer the medicine which will put you under. When I had it done it was put into my vein in my arm and I really didn't even feel it. I kinda have issues with needles too and this wasn't bad at all.
Ammer wrote:
So I can request to be "knocked out" when they do this procedure and I won't feel any pain? Well until I wake up that is...right?
Exactly, the only thing I have ever ever heard of where someone remembered it or felt pain was a friend of mine who has a metabolism about 3x that of a normal person (if you don't know, that just means his body processes anything put into it 3x faster, so his liver or whatever deals with the anethestesia got rid of it 3x faster than a normal person). He ended up waking up during the procedure. He didn't feel anything pain wise. He could kinda feel that they were working on his mouth, but no pain. It wasn't for long though, the dentist noticed that he had woken and quickly administered more anethestesia. But he's only one case out of probably 30 friends that I have talked to. None of the others had any recollection of the matter until they were waking up in a quiet room with whoever was driving them home.
You really won't feel pain the first day at all. Your tonge will feel huge and you won't be able to really control it (from all the numbing medicine). Really you'll feel more numb than anything else.
I'm finally back for the summer, although hopefully I'll spend a little more time away from this screen.