Well, I love Hermione (and I'm a rabid fangirl of The Good Ship Ron/Hermione), and she's all but my identical twin (even the same horrible bushy hair) (not Emma Watson. Hermione. Book Hermione. Y'know, with the buckteeth, bossy tone, bushy hair... That Hermione. The real Hermione.)... But Bellatrix is evil. And I hate Sirius. And the star-name is awesome. And Voldie lurves her (okay, maybe not, just in my squeeing OTP fangirl dreams...).
Gah, who to choose.
*Closes eyes and points randomly*
'Kay, Hermione. Good, I suppose, seeing how, if a muggle HP fangirl, Hermione would be a canon fairy (not nazi. I really don't like the phrases 'Grammar Nazi' or/and 'Canon Nazi'. I prefer fairy. =D), like me, constantly bothering people about how Hermione/Harry won't happen, Crabbe and Goyle were made the Slytherin beaters in 1995, a Quaffle has a Gripping Charm and a charm that makes it fall slowly if it's dropped and yes, Harry attended Hogwarts from 1991-1998.
And Bellatrix would probably insult all the HP fans, or be one of the so-called fans that, ugh, write Mary Sues, and/or turn Hermione into a beauty queen and then pair her with not-ugly-anymore!Draco. Ewww. Not saying Hermione/Draco is a horrible pairing (even if I don't like it), but it is when rabid movie fangirls turn Hermione into someone she's not and would/will never be, and then pair her with Draco, who's turned into someone he's not and will/would never be (trust me, he's not going to pop out in book six and yell, "Hey, lookit me, I'm redeemed! Go Order! Hurrah for Dumbledore! And Harry, man, I love you, you're so great! Boo Daddy Lucius and the Dark Lord!" Trust me on this.).
Yes, I'm rambling. Yes, I'll shut up now.
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a .