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Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:17 pm

Reminders: Raze has yet to complete the Survivor activity.

Now down to business. :P

Qanda enters, his eyes bloodshot and his skin scorched. "That comes with looking at too many fire pets. I myself never knew there were so many."

"Well, the winner of the reward challenge is Hakunamatata, which found an astounding number of 820+ fire pets! Valentia was a far second, with only 300+ (which is already a lot, though). Therefore, Hakunamata gains another 4 RP. Really, have they ever lost a reward challenge?"

"And now, its time for the immunity challenge. Let's hope Valentia can regain their upper hand."

Immunity Challenge - Story-telling champion

Now it is time to put your creative and linguistical skills to the test. ;) In this challenge, each tribe must send in 3 short stories to me.

1) Each story must be original, and wrote by a different author. That means 3 people in your tribe must write one story each.

2) Each story should not exceed 1000 words.

3) Stories will be judged based on

Language - 40%
Plot - 60%

4) The tribe of the person who wrote the best story will win immunity.

5) All stories should be sent through PM to me by the author him/herself. Be warned however, do not reveal who in your tribe wrote a story. This challenge ends in 24 hours.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:58 pm

Ah, another challenge lost. I'm a little surprised, actually, as I thought 307 was quite a lot........ but, once again, at least it was reward. I think I'd like to win a reward challenge sometime, however. Especially since Hakuna keeps jacking up those points.

For the story, even though the author has to send it in, anyone who intends to write a story should contact me as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have at least three people, and not more than three people. If we end up getting more than three with an interest, just PM me your stories, and I'll send them out to everyone so they can choose the three they like the best.
Last edited by amarise on Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:59 pm

>.> I hate you, school. I didn't have time to search for more. ;-;

Oh, and I'm pretty bad at writing stories. >.> Although I can be a good editor if that is allowed...

:P I guess this is my end.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:59 pm

I like..the worst writer ever. :/

Count me out,

Fri Feb 04, 2005 4:15 pm

Bah writing, i'm not the best writer so...i'm not the best for writing. :roll:

Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:29 pm

Ugh, I'm a terrible writer...

I'm also being forced to go camping this weekend... leaving this afternoon and coming back Sunday... odds are I'll miss voting, so you might as well vote me out anyway. :(

Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:35 pm

:P Fine, I'll write. But first I have to finish my bard's story for Hannah.

Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:46 am

I've mesaged everybody, but this is a reminder:

If you have a story, send it in to me. We have only about 10 hours left from the time of this post, and the authors themselves have to send in their own stories. If we get more than three, that's fine, we can vote. But if we don't get any votes, I'll simply choose three stories and contact the authors to send it in to Qanda. Therefore, if you send in a story, please include the absolute latest time you will be on (before the challenge ends) so I can contact you. I would really hate to lose this challenge on a technicality.

Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:56 am

Well, if we are running out of time, I could send a story like, "The Story
Ooh! It's a story! :o" xP

Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:30 am

Okay, I have to tell you that someone already submitted a story to Qanda, so we only need two now. I got a message from someone else, saying that the first one might have been over 1000 words. Could someone check that for me, please, and let me know?

Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:43 am

amarise wrote:Okay, I have to tell you that someone already submitted a story to Qanda, so we only need two now. I got a message from someone else, saying that the first one might have been over 1000 words. Could someone check that for me, please, and let me know?

The first one was only 352 words long, far from the 1000 words limit. Believe me, 1000 words is more than you think. ;)

Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:49 am

Qanda wrote:
amarise wrote:Okay, I have to tell you that someone already submitted a story to Qanda, so we only need two now. I got a message from someone else, saying that the first one might have been over 1000 words. Could someone check that for me, please, and let me know?

The first one was only 352 words long, far from the 1000 words limit. Believe me, 1000 words is more than you think. ;)

You're thinking of the one that you got sent, Qanda. The 'first one' I'm referring to is a different one that was PMed to everyone. ;)

Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:51 am

amarise wrote:You're thinking of the one that you got sent, Qanda. The 'first one' I'm referring to is a different one that was PMed to everyone. ;)

Oooh, fine then. *waits in anticipation of a good story to read* :P

Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:08 am

amarise wrote:
Qanda wrote:
amarise wrote:Okay, I have to tell you that someone already submitted a story to Qanda, so we only need two now. I got a message from someone else, saying that the first one might have been over 1000 words. Could someone check that for me, please, and let me know?

The first one was only 352 words long, far from the 1000 words limit. Believe me, 1000 words is more than you think. ;)

You're thinking of the one that you got sent, Qanda. The 'first one' I'm referring to is a different one that was PMed to everyone. ;)

*copies into Word* 1,419 words. Yep, over.

Btw, was the one submitted one of the two sent to everyone?

Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:00 am

Contact the author, amarise.:o
Last edited by o_0 on Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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