teh0mega wrote:
1. A prophet predicted that the Pope we have now will be one of the last, if not the last.
Which Prophet?
2. Google the word Freemason. They're not a secret society as such, and they do make their presence known. They were established some time in the 17th century, and were working to try and seperate Church from State. And obviously, we have the result today. Not to mention the fact that they seem to dismiss Christianity as a complete lie. Any Christian who joins the masons is automatically excommunicated. The problem with this group, is that nobody knows what goes on at the top. Nobody. I think that the Australian Prime Minister is a member of this society, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was as well. And even they aren't at the top of the ladder.
I don't think that this "secret society" living in existence is a sign that a world is going to end or an apocolypse is coming soon.
Some guy predicted the Trade Centre tradgedy about 1000 years before it happended.
4. Technology is on a massive upswing. I mean, we're zooming by tech-wise, compared to say 300 years ago. Now, it almost seems as if we are making progress merely for the sake of making progress, not for the betterment of mankind. I mean, why the heck would you want a TV on your fridge? This can't be all so great. The more progress we make, the less privacy we have, the more open we are to attack.
This is not a sign that will lead to the end of the world. It's just an assumption.
5. Any internet-savvy person, or conspirator, would have heard of John Titor. Whether it's true or not, no one can guarantee. I think that a lot of it is hoax, but the guy did bring up some interesting points. Just google the guy and read up about him. He claims to have travelled back in time and that civil war broke out in the USA in 2004/5. Then WWIII in 2015 I believe. Scary stuff. Worth a read though.
Most likely false as Nostradamus was proven to be.
6. This is relating to point five. JT claimed that civil war broke out because the government was taking away too many of the peoples' freedom. This is already happenening due to the fear of terrorist attacks. He claimed that in 2005 it would reach such a state that civil war will break out. Maybe the dates are wrong, but freedoms are being taken way slowly. And it WILL reach a point in time when the people will have enough.
Yes, that has happening for years. People have been rebelling for ages. America has had its share of rebels as well.
7. The biggest thing to look out for is the uniting of Middle-Eastern countires. That was what a prophet said would be one of the most noticable signs. A lot of prophets state that a lot of bad things will happen before the Apocalypse comes to pass.
What Prophet is this? If it's Nostradamus, he is
hardly a Prophet.