only_matt wrote:
In my school girls fight agaisnt girls. Even if girls had to fight agaisnts guys, that doesn't mean the girls will lose because they are weaker, I can tell you for sure that there are hundreds of girls who could kick my smurf any day of the weak...with little efford at that.
I don't thein that the administration is worried about the girls being beaten or being injured.
They are more worried about the... effect that wrestling girls will have on boys.
Keep in mind where this whole situation is geographically located. Forgive the generalizations, but this is the society that is so insecure with itself that it went positively wiggy when a performer simply exposed her breast on television and millions of taxpayers dollars were spent changing the statue of Lady Justice so that her sheet didn't give the populace an extra peek.
(Forgive the political comment, but I do think that it is relevant to understand the kind of culture that is being dealt with here)
The concept of boys and girls rolling around in spandex together is absolutely mind blowing. Heaven forbid that these boys can keep their minds focussed on the sport for a few minutes per week.
Dag nabbit! Wrasslin'!?! That there is the devil's sport. Next thing you know, them kids'll be wantin' to dance together... and we all know where that leads! Now why doesn't she pick a nice woman's sport like field hockey or cooking.
My apologies to those involved in field hockey. Some of my old high school friends were in field hockey and were the most physically adept human beings I ever met. That being said, the mandatory skirt was a bit of a problem for me.