Ello, RPers.
Its been a while since I did a RP, and I think its that time again. This one I've been working on and off on for weeks. I'm also working on another one, but writter block is in the way. So, created this little RP. I hope you like it, and I wanted to make the world as rich as possible, so it is a tad bit long. Terribly sorry about that. Well, enjoy!
Airal only has one continent, with the exception of the small island to the south know as Ester, where great sculptors live.
The southern part of Airal is thriving, with large, technologically advanced cities, and happy people of the four races from there(see Races). The climate is similar to our South America. The main city, Teno, is the center place for marketing and religion, but is also holds the Dark Temple, and its many dark secrets.
You see, Airal is kept in balance by the fallowing: the sun, the moon, the earth, and stars. The spirits demand fuel to keep them going. The fuel is human blood. So, the list is kept. When you are born, you are at the bottom of the list. As more people die, you move up to the top. When you are at the top, its your turn to go to the Dark Temple and face your last moments.
Also, between the ages of 9 and 15, all people develop a power to control an element: a scientific element, like Neon or Helium. This often determines their jobs
The center area is a place of spiritualism, and almost no technology. The people of the south consider the people inferior.
The northernmost place has its own race, but it and the race are considered legend.
Solange-These people hold the power of the sun and war. The Sun Spirit does not take their blood. Most of the people in the armies and politics are Solange.
They are 30% of the population of the south.
Zeheb-They hold the power of the stars and wealth. The Star Spirit will not accept their blood. They have good luck in all things having to do with money, and are rarely poor. They are most of the business people.They are 10% of the the population of the south
Zeki-The hold the power of intelligence and the moon. The Moon Spirit will not accept their blood. They are very intelligent and make up most of the authors, writers teachers, and professors. They are 20% of the population of the south.
Tivona-This race holds the power of the earth and nature. The Earth Spirit hates sacrifice, but will make you suffer if you sacrifice one of her people to her. They are strong nature lovers and plants grow best under their control. They are dominate in the farming and agriculture departments.They are about 40% of the population of the south,
Zabrina-The people of the spiritual places of the north, they do not hold any known power, but it's amazing that they have survived in the barren desert. Many years ago,a massacre took place during an import ritual in there center temple, and they are now fairly rare and are secretive.
Istas-The legendary people of the far north, they are said to be pale and have dark eyes and hair. Legend has it they can control the lost force, Snow. (Note: Istas will not appear in this RP, unless they are side characters farther in the story. Elaborate screening is what comes for those who wish to roleplay one.)
High Spirits-
These are the main spirits of the Elements.
The Sun Spirit- The Sun Spirit is the strongest, and ofter appears as a young male warrior. He is in charge of war, sun, men, and health. He is not married, and he and the Earth Spirit have been arguing for thousands of years.
The Star Spirit- The Star Spirit is wealthy and appears as an old gambler. He is charge of money, the stars, boys, and business. He is married to The Moon spirit.
The Moon Spirit- The elegant Moon Spirit appears as an old medical woman or a young scholar. She is in charge of intelligence, woman, medicine, and the dead. She is married to the Star Spirit
The Earth Spirit- The wild Earth spirit appears in the form of a farmer or a cat. She is hot tempered and has been arguing with the Sun Spirit, her former husband, for thousands of years. She is in charge of the earth, farming, girls, plants, and animals. She is the Queen of Gods.
Low Spirits-
Tree Spirit- Daughter of the Earth and Sun. At one point, she died, and was brought back to life be the Water Spirit, so now she needs sun, earth, and water to live.
Water Spirit- The product of an affair between The Sun Spirit and The Moon Spirit, The Earth Spirit had mercy and placed her on this earth.
Flower Spirit- Once a little girl, she was killed by a giant beast, but in order to make her pure soul eternal, The Spirits joined together to spread her beauty over the earth.
Cloud Spirit- Created by the earth to block out The Moon Spirit and The Sun Spirit when they had an affair, the Cloud spirit has many mood swings, sometimes calm and wispy, sometimes hot tempered and violent.
Rainbow Spirit- To apologize for his affair, The Sun Spirit had his daughter, the water spirit, be carried by the cloud spirit and then fall to the earth. When he came, the sun and water made the rainbow, as an apology. The Earth Spirit has yet to accept this, and so, Rainbow Spirit appears when ever it rains.
The Nobles-People of Noble blood of the Solange or Zeheb races(Zeki and Tivona used to rule, but were overthrown and are not allowed to participate in politics). They run the south.
Z.E.C- Zeki Dedication Committee. Provides education for all races, but can only be run by Zeki
P.E or P.E.O.T.E- People of the Earth. An environmental terrorist group of Tivona, bent on going back to the simple ways of life and having the Earth Spirit be the only Spirit for worship.
T.F.P or Free-The Free People, a group of all races, many enslaved Zabrina, planing to migrate to the free north and live with the legendary Istsas.
Telo- A group of people who want to rid the world of the oppressive government and abolish sacrifice. They are located through out the South, and are the second biggest organization in the South.
L.I.F.E-Life is for everyone. An organization dedicated to equal rights for Zeki and Tivona. The biggest organization in the south
Items of interest-
The Crystal Skulls- Skulls said to be crafted by the ancient Zeki wise woman, these skulls are said to contain a great knowledge when they come together. They are made of rare crystal. There are 13, and 8 have been found. There is strong competition for them. Z.E.C hold 4, The Nobles 1, and Telo 3. At one point the Nobles owned all of them, but they've manged to steal all but one.
Since Telo will play a very big part in the story line( see Story) its gets its own section! Yeah!
Telo's bases are all across the south, but we will only cover the ones in Teno
Williams Rooms, room 2-What seems to be a boarded up room is really an TeloOffice, containing a computer to report to the main office and some files on the basic information of all Telo members in the city.
Farmers Grocree Upstairs Room-A meeting place with a Computer.
Harbor Library, Secret Room- Contains 10 computers, and all the files on Anal.
The Labyrinth Inn- What looks like an old, boarded up Inn is really the main base of Telo . Contains countless computers, all files on Telo, books of all shapes and sizes, all objects belonging to Telo(e.g The Crystal Skulls), a meeting room, and the councils study.
The ranks of Telo look something like this:
Footman-When you first join Telo, you are higher to do all jobs in need of many people
Leval 1 Job-You are still low ranking but are in one field, for example, Funds.
Level 2 Job-A slightly higher ranking job. Still in same field.
Leval 3 Job-No change except for a small raise and a higher ranking.
Leval 4 Job- A very high ranking job.
Leval 5 Job- The highest job ranking before management.
Administrative Assistant- Helps and works for all people in your field of higher ranking
Directors Assistant- Assistant a certain director. You become the Directors successor.
Director- You are in charge of a special place in the field.
Field VP- You are second in Command of your field
Field Manger- You are in charge of your field
Technology- This group helps Telo keep up with the nobles in technology, from guns to computers to better hackers. Mostly Zeki's.
Funds- This group is mostly made up of Zeheb. They do anything from getting to donations to stealing "donations".
Battle- This should be pretty darn obvious. These are people who attack. Mostly Solange.
"Moles"- Spys. Whether it be eavesdropping or working behind enemy lines, these guys find out what they need to. Mixed races.
Organization- They keep Telo tidy, from secretarys to project managers. Again, mostly Zeki's.
Supplies- Helps supply Anal with everything. Mostly Tivona.
Elementist- Rare people who have powers that are similar to their race powers and are powerful. For example, a Tivona with a power to help plants could make plants overgrow very quickly. Mixed races.
Agriculture- Yeah. They supply food, take care of plants, and help disguise buildings. Mostly Tivona.
Sweatshop slaves-(No, I'm kidding.)
Inventors- The real makers*points above*, they design and/or make everything from bombs to clothing. Yet again, mostly Zeki's.
H.O.L- An odd field, were you can only be invited, and are not allowed to talk about your work with anyone, or ever leave the field. Ever some of the most powerful people in Telo do not know what it is about.
Story Line-
All characters in this RP are between the ages of 11 and 18, and are developing and learning to control the powers of the scientific elements. That means periodic table, buddy.(See rules)You are either working for Anal or are young Nobles. We will start on a regular work day fro Telo, nearing the end of a long day. The next day, Telo is once again going to raid the Dark Temple. All personal will somehow be involved.
Our main charaters will be around five people in Telo(that means five-ish roleplayers) and around three young nobles.
We start when we have five people.
Ah, rules. The keep RPs in tip-top shape.
1. Flaws. It doesn't hurt to have them. You can't have a super powerful element. Also, please get my permission to be an Elementist
2. Put "Pudding is nice" in your other part of your bio and "And they danced" somewhere in history to prove you read the rules.
3. Your character can not go beyond job leval 3 unless you get permission from me. Also, no Istas until later with my permission. Same goes for people in H.O.L.
4. Detail people, detail! "Quite, dark, moody" is not a personality, its a group of agitives! I except detailed bios and complete sentences.
5. No chat speak. I understand that english is not everyones first launge, but please try.
6. I'm only letting in three-ish nobles. As for races, something like this: One or two Zeheb, three or four Zeki, and go crazy with the rest. Also If your a noble, you can't be anything like the grand duchess or heir to the throne unless you talk to me first.
7. Have fun. Despite what this may make me look like, I don't bite. I'm willing to compermise, and if you have a complaint, please PM me.
Thanks for reading through this, sorry if its long, I hope you have fun.
My bio
Name:Zubaida(called Zuzu as a nickname by some)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Element: Au(Gold)
Race: Zabrina
Personality/History: Zubaida is happy and energetic, and a little bit of an airhead. Her happy go lucky personality seems misplaced in her chosen path of revolt. She isn't nearly as tramitized as her older brother and sister from the bomb accident that killed her father and brother 10 years ago. She barely remembers them. Her family has worked for Telo for many years, and she has just started working, and two younger siblings are in training. The familys income comes mainly from her older siblings, as her mother has to take care of the younger children. As a result, Zubaida's education in minimum
She discovered her power when stitching a copy of her mothers book of fairy tales, And they danced, with gold thread, and realized she could manipulate it .
While she can control gold and is fairly agile, Zubaida lacks a lot of the cleverness needed to be a thief.
Looks:Zubaida has long read hair kept in check by being kept in two large pony tails. This can be a problem when she is trying to get through tight spaces or run away. Her eyes are fairly large and brown, kind of doe-like. She is thin and wirery, and she looks about 9 or 8, not 13.
Job: Funds, leval three.
Other: Pudding is nice. Yeah. That was random.
Name: Anila
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Element: N/A
Race: Zeheb
Personality/History:Anila lived on a plantation with her uncle for most of her life, but was recently moved to the city to live with her aunt and be taught how to rule a plantation beside a man. Anila finds the city boring, and her aunt nasty, and misses plantation and her uncle. She had no interest in the fast librarys on polital history or the gossipy girls, and would prefer to read dime novels with the servant children or hear the elder slaves tell myths.
Anila is also subject to a rare condition that does not develop powers. As a result, she dreams of being a detective, who don't need any speacil powers. However, she is the heir to a large plantation, and it is her duty to run it. Her favorite boos is a book of fairy tales, And they danced.
Looks:Anila is short and a little pump, and has a little bit of a baby face. Her hair is long, about to the small of her back, and brown, and is very hard to take care of. Her pale comlection is due to the fact she is kept inside and covered, and she sunburns easily.
Other: Oh, she thinks pudding is nice. Its her favorite food. Also, Anila is awful in Math and Science. She has trouble with simple fractions and can't seem to remember the facts in Science.
Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!
Last edited by Alisquid on Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:02 am, edited 5 times in total.