I hardly have anything on my walls. But what I do have is:
Three shelves full of little nick nacks, jewelry box, globe light, clock I made in 9th grade
3 halos (One green, one blue, one red)
2 dreamcatchers
A plate, this one actually:
A latchhook rug that I made of a rose on a piano
A World Wildlife Fund Calendar (they send me one every year because I donated $15 like 7 years ago)
A couple honorable mention certificates for a couple of my poems
one of my poems, framed
A clock that was left to me when my grandfather died in '97
A mask (you an see the clock and the mask in the background in this pic)
clock and mask
A poster of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (from my movie poster collecting days)
A poster of a tie-dyed yin-yang
The only reason the last two are on my walls is because I put them up when I first moved in, then I put this big heavy desk in front of them and now I can't reach them to take them down.