and the judges have spoken:
optimus: we like what you did, it makes a very nice looking image. but was think that you could have used positionaning better, as well as perhaps trying something that preserved some of the image's origional color, but you did a very good job.
charka: all of the judges liked this piece. you used your image wonderfully, allthough we think that the image you chose would have been better for another image type. that being said, you still used the image masterfully.
chipper: the text you used seems to be out fo place, and the paint bucket of dark blue you did makes the piece feel messy. you had a very hard image, i think, perhaps better for another image type.
scholastic: the placement of your main image is very good. but the background image in the signature, the judges think, isn't nesicary. the text type you chose can be hard to read and retract from the piece.
shadowfare: everyone on the team liked this, their only qualm was that the border wasn't very precise. they suggested a double boarder
darklegendary: the judges liked the placement of the image, how yuna is looking at the text. the overlay of dots are too think, maybe take them down some.
hellyer: while the text matches your image, the judges dont think the dolor does. perhaps lowering the opacity of the text? the boarder seems too think, the judges thought a two pixel boarder would have been sufficient
watericesage: there really isn't alot of focus in the piece. the judges don't like the step pattern that you chose. was the spelling of eifle intentional?
wind: the text bow here is placed correctly, and the image looks good. a boarder would have been nice, also, the pick around the edges should be take out.
and the results are in: after much consideration, the judges have decided that...
charka did the best job and will recieve priority next round, good job.
no one else will be eliminated, because neopets addict failed to finish on time.
v: Lifebreather ----- c: Neko