The monkey appears again. "Sorry Chipper, thats your second, and final, lost life. The winner of MC1 wont be repeating this game..." Chipper slumps over, a large figure of arrow appears over her head, though nothing seems to happen yet. Meanwhile sirmicheal can also be seen slumped over from failing tos it., he too losing his last life. "Wow!" the monkey says "2 eliminated in one day!" He then pulls his lever. Chair 3 explodes in mid air, but Xelo does not appear to be harmed. The red waves pass through Qanda, as well as chair 6, but Chipper is dead so that doesnt matter. "Why did Xelo die?" asks Prowler "Same reason Chipper didnt die before. You cant be tooled twice' They monkey replies. Warxelo stands in the corner grinning at how hes escape death. As the monkey is about to turn on the music, Arrow himself appears with a worried look. "Wheres my offspring?" he asks. "Sorry, Arrow," the monkey replies "But Arrow Jr failed to pass the potato last round and died because of it." Arrow stands with a shcoked look on his face "Who killed her?" he asks. "Lets see now... it appears Qanda was the last to touch the potato..." Arrow pulls out his bow and fires a shot into Qanda's heart, Qanda crumples to the ground, having her first life. "Thats one of them... who caused her to lost her first life?" asks Arrow. Warxelo's smug look turns into one of horror. "That would be Warxelo" the monkey replies "He tooled chipepr a few rounds back". Arrow pulls out his bow again and shoots at Warxelo. Xel crumples to the ground, losing his second and final life. "Looks like Arrow wasnt too happy about Arrow. Jr. dieing. And looks like Warxelo wont be repeating as well..."
As people look a round they notice they are in a graveyard. Fitting place for 3 people dieing in one round. The monkey turns on funeral music, reminds people that now only 9 chairs remain, passes the potato to Dranzer and leaves the room.
As that was a long post, quick recap.
Chipper died from potato, and was also Arrow Jr.
Sirmicheal died from not sitting
Warxelo wouldve died from tooling, but had already been tooled.
Qanda was killed by Arrow, revenging the death of Arrow Jr. Lost one life.
Warxelo was killed be Arrow, reveneing the death of Arrow Jr. died.
Dranzer has the potato.