Round comments: I was really disappointed with the subtexts this round, though some were awesomely good, I found many to be completely relating to things only Neopets players would know, which disappoints me.
AutumnElf wrote:
Twizzler0171 / Always watching...
Kalathalan / Where's our juice?
Amarise / Give us the feepits (enter) and no one gets hurt
Livin_in_the_shadow / Cruel yet cuddly
.:Requiem:. / If you can't convince them, confuse them.
Watericesage / We want our juice!
Ledi / Mustn't...look....away... (words fading in and out one at a time, below the 'meep')
Maniac / Put the juice DOWN!
Twinkle / Utterly Perplexed
Lionheartwitty / Something's watching me...
DM was on fire! / We come in peace
Hellyer / Take us to your leader
The_dog_god / Awfully. Spooky.
Twizzler0171- Mwah, I have finally mastered the placing of the numbers in your name. Annnnyway, this is an okay subtext. Not the best I've seen, not the most horrible. It does describe the main image, though if I were you I would have gone for the not-so-obvious choice of subtext. But still, it does work. 7/10
Kathalan- A few points off for the fact that anyone who doesn't play Neopets couldn't understand this subtext. Also, the idea for this subtext is a good one, but it could have been much more humerous. Being good at subtexts is being able to match the mood of the image. This image was funny. This subtext was just somewhat blunt and to the point. 6/10
Amarise- Again, some points off for the fact that no one who doesn't play Neopets would know what a feepit is. However, it matches the mood of the set, humorous, very well, so extra points for that. All in all, it's on the really good side of okay. 7.5/10
Livin_in_the_shadow- I don't really understand where you get the cruel part from. Cuddley is alright, but I don't see how big giant meepits or whatever Neo is calling them now are cruel. It goes along with the mood decently, but this subtext just isn't "Subtext King" material. 5.5/10
Requiem- This is a borderline subtext. It's decently humorous, I suppose. However, I don't really think it goes with the image as well as it should, so... just meh. 6/10
Watericesage- My main comments for this are that if you don't play Neopets, you won't understand it. So that itself docks you three points from ten. One more point off due to it not being as humorous as it could be, and not going as well as it could with the mood of the set. 6/10
Ledi- Mm, probably one of the best this round, though I must say I was pretty disappointed with lots of the subtexts this round. It fits the image pretty greatly, and has a bit of humor and wit to it as well. All I can say to this subtext is... very nice, to say in the least. 8.5/10
Maniac- Goes perfectly with the mood of the set, but again I must deduct points from relating only to Neopets. If you want your subtext to be a good one, it has to be clear to everybody who will see it, not just Neopet players. However, still good points for good length and humor. 7.8/10
Twinkle- Hm. I'm kind of torn on this one. Good job on making it relate on more to the hamster thingies in general, and not just how Neopets displays them. The only problem I really have with this one is that I bet a lot of PPT's younger members are going to take one look at it, and just say "huh?". Hehe, but that's not entirely your fault. 7/10
Lionheartwitty- This is like Twizzler0171's (yay for correct numbering!) subtext in the fact that this is an obvious choice for subtext. It's somewhat humorous, though I really think it'd be better if it were more funny. Meh, this is another that I'm torn on, but I think I'll give it... 6.5/10
DM Was On Fire!- Haha. Dear, you've redeemed yourself. I'm glad you weren't voted out last time, this is an excellent subtext. Very humorous, and it's very "out of the box". This is the first time I've done this, and I don't know if I'll do it again, but... 10/10.
Hellyer- Like DM's, this is very funny and works very well with the mood of the set. Again, out of the box. I don't see any really major problems with this one, good job. 9/10
The Dog God- Meh, I'll work on where the capitilations and underscores go later. I've mastered Twizzler0171's (!) name already today, remind me to master yours in the next round. This subtext is decent. It is humorous, the length is nice. The only thing I really have a problem with is that I've seen more original subtexts in my day. 7.5/10
Kathalan, Lionheartwitty, Watericesage, Livin_in_the_shadow
Yay! I got done first this time! =D