When I was younger I had two main reoccuring dreams...one was pretty screwy and one was pretty screwy, yet slightly awesome.
The first one I had a lot when I was really young. I was at my school playground, and I was by myself. There was a guy, but I never saw his face. Like, my viewpoint was cut off at his upper chest. He was wearing one of those old jail uniforms, with the black and white stripes. I knew I should have been afraid of him...but I wasn't. He told me to come over by his car, that he wanted to show me something. I was a little nervous, but went because of my curiousity. He pulled a red toolbox out of the backseat, and just when he started to open it, I always would wake up before I saw anything.
The second one is more exciting. I was at some old library. This place was gi-normous. I mean, really big. It was like...two stories, only there wasn't a second floor, the bookcases were just that high, and you had to use those cool ladders to get up. Anyway, there was this old dude there, and he needed my help to save the world.
I'm like...ooo, saving the world. Sounds like fun. I don't remember exactly what we thought we were doing, but me and this old short dude, with silvery hair and a long beard, had to go all over the world to steal these porcelin dolls back from people. I mean, we went all over. Every time I had the dream we went somewhere different.
One of my most vivid ones was when we had to climb to the top of this snowy mountain, and we went into this log cabin, and snatched the doll from the shelf, and the guy, in overalls and a plaid flannel shirt...HUGE, didn't even see, because he was tending the fire. He heard us close the door, so we saw a sled and jumped on it, sailing down a worn in path that went straight down the mountain, and he was standing at the top, yelling at us.
*blinks* Dreams are odd.
Siggy under construction.