Roles have yet to be assinged. Once I assing roles I will create the real game thread. Until then anyone talking about werebunnies can post here.
Right now this is just a overview of the rules. The plot will come when I start the game
Game rules
Basic overview:
---Day ends at 5 PM NST---
---Nighttime lists due by 5:30 PM NST or 30 minutes after day ends---
---Include role name, form name and day on all the title of all pms (e.g. Sirclucky-Werebunny List-Night 3) You will receive two warnings on this. After yhe second warning any third offence will cause me to ignore your list. ---
---Lists that have a daytime portion (such as day kills) should include the word DAY in the title of PMS. Lists that only effect the night should not. This is so that if I get on with only a little time before the execution I can simply read the day PM's and then read the night PM's later. Thus any questionsyou send to me should contain the word DAY as well. Note: If you stick "DAY" in your subject and it in fact has nothing to do with the day and contains no questions I will not be happy
![Cheeky Tongue :P](./images/smilies/icon_tongue.gif)
---Lists can be resent. I will always look at the most recently sent list. Order of things happen in the order I receivied the lists. Thus resending a list moves you back to the bottom in the order of things.
---No do quote any PM, AIM message, or any private message from me either on the game thread or when talking with another player. Do not quote any such message from another player unless I have that players written consent---
---Day might be delayed a few minutes if I can get on right at 5. Don't whine or complain while you wait
![Cheeky Tongue :P](./images/smilies/icon_tongue.gif)
Detailed rules:
The goal of werebunny is to kill the evil teams; or if you are an evil team, to kill all of the other teams. The innocents accomplish their goal by executing players during the day. The evil teams accomplish their goal by killing players at night.
The Day
The day lasts from 5:30 PM NST to 5 PM NST the following real day. During the day, the living players in the game chat amongst themselves, the ultimate goal of which is to choose on someone to execute and vote for that person. To vote for a player, use
Bold Text and then type in
Vote: followed by the
name of the person you would like to vote for. You may vote for two people each day. If you which to change your vote first type in
Unvote: *person you are unvoting here and then if you want to vote for someone else, type in
Vote: *new person here [B]. If you do not wish to vote for anyone, type in [B] Vote: No one . You MUST vote for someone or no one each day. Failure to vote two days in a row will get you a warning. If you fail to vote three days in a row you will be mod killed.
During random points in the day, I will post a recap of the total votes so far that day. At 5 PM NST I will end the day by executing (killed by a method described later
![Angel 0:)](./images/smilies/icon_angel.gif)
) one or two people by the following rules:
If one player has 75% or more of the living people voting for him and another player has 51% or more of the votes then both of those players will be executed. If there is one person with 75% of the people voting for them and two or more other people who both have 51% or more of them people voting for them then the two people with the most votes will be executed. In case of a tie, it will be randomly chosen from those tied.
If one player has 75% or more of the living people voting for him and no one else has 51% or more then just that one player is executed.
If one player has 51% or more of the living people voting for them and no one else has 51% or more then just that one player is executed.
If two or more players have 51% or more of the living people voting for them but no one have 75% or more then the ONE person with the most votes will be executed. In case of a tie, the player executed will be randomly chosen.
If 51% or more of people vote for no one then no one will die.
If no person (including no one) gets 51% or more the votes, then I will randomly chose out of the people who have received votes with odds n/p for each person (where n is the number of votes cast on that person and p is the number of total votes cast).
Once I execute the player the day will end and night will begin.
The night
Most players in the game have a role. A good portion of these roles take effect at night and require lists of names to be sent to be before the night ends (5:30). The lists can be sent anytime during the day or night preceding the night the lists are for. At 5:30 PM NST I will compile all of the lists and give a post recapping what happened during the night as well as starting the next day.
The main thing that happens during the night is evil teams kill people. The night recap will basically be a list of who was killed and how they died. Of course, many of the innocents also have roles where can be used to help protect players, dream about players to find their roles, ECT... The first thing that happens during the night is that protections kick in. After that the evil teams kill the people, possibly failing if the person they targeted is protected. Finally the people who dream and investigate other players do their things. Of course, there may be other roles that kick in at different times as described by their roles descriptions.
Once I compile all the lists (which may take me awhile) and post the night since the next day will being and the game will repeat itself.
Once a player is killed or executed they are counted as dead. They can no longer post on the game topic, no longer count to vote majorities, no longer can use their role and powers, basically they are removed from the game and can now post in the commentary thread. They are NOT allowed to talk with any person, living or dead, privately and tell them secrets they may have learned.
Other things
Of course, the game won't be that simple. Roles given to players as well as things by me will cause plot twists in the game. But those rules should help you though any troubles you may have. Of course, PM me if you have any questions.
Commentary thread
The commentary thread or “The land of happy bunnies” is where the dead and non playing people roamp in the fields and play with daisies, as well as talk about the game. Living players cannot post in the commentary thread. Living players can also not quote posts from the commentary thread, but they are encouraged to read it. Dead players cannot reveal anything they learned in secret(players roles, their roles, ect..) in the commentary thread. They can only talk about things everyone knows. Dead players can also, once during the game, perform a “life give”. You see, each player still has a small amount of life left. If nine people all choose to give their life to a tenth that player will have enough life to rejoin the game. To life give, in the commentary topic vote like you normally vote for executions, only this time do it in the form
Life give: person name Once ten people choose to life give the same person that person will be allowed to return to the game with their old role and such. Life give votes are cleaned at the end of every night. You as a group can only life give once during the game and cannot life give when 5 or fewer people remain in the game. Only once living players can life give. Those who were never playing are not allowed to life give.
Player etiquette
Lying and leading people astray is part of the game. However, do not make any promises, deals (If im evil i’ll give you 100000nps), ect... that someone trying to lie would not be able to honestly make.
Be sure to following ppt rules and respect all of the other game members.
As said before, do not quote any pms or other private messages from me either on the game topic or when talking with someone else. Also do not quote and pms or other private messages from someone else unless i have that persons written permission.
Failure to follow any of the rules, could lead to a warning, mod killing, or possibly me barring you from any werewolf type game I run here in the future.
And remember, if you have and questions ask me
Incentive! It will take me a little while to read over the roles one last time and then randomly assing them. Thus anyone playing who PM's me about their role will be moved up to the top of the "role receival list"
. Posts by living people in this topic should have nothing to do with their roles outside of a "I got my role" or something