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 Post subject: Werebunny Excess (Mar. 19 - 21)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:36 am 
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Basic overview of rules:

---Day ends at 5 PM NST---
---Nighttime lists due by 5:30 PM NST or 30 minutes after day ends---
---lists can be sent any time during the day or night before the night the list is for.
---Include role name, form name and day on all the title of all pms (e.g. Sirclucky-Werebunny List-Night 3) You will receive two warnings on this. After yhe second warning any third offence will cause me to ignore your list. ---
---Lists that have a daytime portion (such as day kills) should include the word DAY in the title of PMS. Lists that only effect the night should not. This is so that if I get on with only a little time before the execution I can simply read the day PM's and then read the night PM's later. Thus any questionsyou send to me should contain the word DAY as well. Note: If you stick "DAY" in your subject and it in fact has nothing to do with the day and contains no questions I will not be happy ---
---Lists can be resent. I will always look at the most recently sent list. Order of things happen in the order I receivied the lists. Thus resending a list moves you back to the bottom in the order of things.
---No do quote any PM, AIM message, or any private message from me either on the game thread or when talking with another player. Do not quote any such message from another player unless I have that players written consent---
---Day might be delayed a few minutes if I can get on right at 5. Don't whine or complain while you wait --

Detailed rules can be founed here:


List of people playing:

Blk Mage - Mauled night 2 - Gang Member
jellyoflight - Assassinated Day 3- Heir/Faerie Queen
Kalathalan - Executed Day 3 - Revenging Sibling
lackadazed - Assassinated Day 3- Gang member
Lady Night
legoquilt - Daymauled by werecreatures. Day 3 - Fireman
Scottnak - Mauled-Night 0. Can not be rezurected
Sock - Mauled-Night 1- Faerie Queen
Trinity - Sibling Avenged - Day 3 - Superman
Tyranus - Executed Day 2- Arrow the Chicken
vortexion - Arrow Revenged - Day 2 - Revenging Sibling


Discription of convetionhall

The main room of the convention hall takes up the front section of the space and runs a good portion of the way back. It is open all the way up to the third floor, meaning someone standing in the third floor could look down. In the center of the convention hall is a large, circular fountain. There are a bunch of tables set up around the convention hall as well. On the back side of the building, there is a gym when spans floor one and two. To the right there are a couple of small conference rooms, as well as the restrooms. To the left on floor one there are more conference rooms as well as a flight of stairs. On floor two there is the second half of the gym on the back. On the right there is a large computer lab and on the left there is a large kitchen, as well as more restrooms and more stairs. On the third floor the back room is always kept locked. No one knows why. On the right there is a games room with pool and card tables. Near by there is another games room for things like ping-pong. On the left there are a couple of storage rooms, the flight of stairs and more restrooms. Running along the 2nd and 3rd floors is a small balcony in which people can overlook the rest of the building, as well as walk from room to room.


Game Plot:

The annual werewolf convention was taking place in pptvill this year. Lots of ww fans poured out of pptvill and into the convention room. The convention was to begin on (day game starts) and end a week later. Of course, being it a werewolf convention, something bad was bound to happen; and it did. It started out when Scottnak, leader of the pptvill werewolf fan group, was suddenly found dead on the floor, horribly mauled. "What's going to happen to us?" asked a voice "There are werewolves in the area and we have no one to help us hunt them down!" Panic then took over the whole convention hall until a man wearing a white sweater will "I love ppt" and a pink poogle toy on the front with a large arrow face on the back; blue jeans and a large, brown fishing hat called out "I might be able to help." Everyone turned at the stranger "How can you replace Acottnak? Besides..." they say, holding up a small broken gun, "The maul broke Scott's gun. How can we execute people? "I never said I could replace Scott" the stranger said "As for the executions... that I have just the thing."

The stranger pulls out a bag of what appear to be marshmellow peeps(the rabbit kind). But instead of your happy yellows and pinks, these are sickly green color. "What are those" someone dares to ask. "Werebunnies" replies the man "Poisoned bunny candies. Each night i'll pin down the player or two you guys vote for and stuff one of these down his throat. Give him a couple of seconds and he'll fall dead to the floor. Allow me to demonstrate..." He then grabs a security guard, or should I say THE security guard, as he was the only one in the whole convention hall. He stuffs one of the werebunnies in the guards mouth. The guard starts to foam in the mouth and then falls over dead. "See what I mean" the stranger says. "These things can kill almost anything! And dont worry about the security guard-I can keep things safe. Anyways once morning comes, I've see enough werewolf games to not get unsettled by a mauled body-and thus can make the daily rounds to see who all was killed the last night. Its either me or utter chaos...". The people in the convention hall agree. "Very well, lead us on..." they pause, not sure of the stranger's name. "Sirclucky" the stranger says "Now of course, there are probably dangers other than werewolves in this room. But I figure many of you also have skills which you can use to help the innocents achieve victory. But let me make one thing clear, I'm not on anyone's "side", I'm just here to help sort out the chaos. I hold the keys to the convention hall, and can make my timely escape anytime I need to. But fear not, I won't flee until it is clear that one team or another is the only team standing. Anyways, its still daytime-so why do you get going on who will have to eat the first werebunny?

Roles have been given out. The game of werebunny is offically ON. Day one will end at 5 PM on firday :-)

Lady Night made me do it :P
Click for Werewolf!
Click for more Werewolf(as well as Role Playing)!

Last edited by sirclucky on Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:09 am, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:08 am 
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The man appears again. "Looks like you guys agreed on someone this time" he says "Sorry Tyranus, but apparently everyone else didnt like you. You will have to have a werebunny now..." Sirclucky grabs Tyranus by the arm. He pins him down a stuffs a werebunny into Tyranus's mouth. Tyranus starts to foam for a little while, and then falls over dead. Shortly there after, orange feathers beging to sprout. Tyranus shrinks hight wise and expands waste wise, soon he looks less like Tyranus and more like a well loved chicken "Oh my" crys sirclucky "you guys made me kill Arrow the Chicken! Not cool..." he looks back over the vote his "Lets see here... it says that vortexion cast the majority vote on Tyranus... and thus will have to pay the consequences of killing Arrow..." sirclucky grabs vortexion and in a simmilar fasion to what he did to Tyranus stuffs a werebunny in their mouth. Vortexion too starts for foam for a few seconds, and then also falls over dead. An unidentified picture with the red letting "BFF" on it falls out of vortexion's pocket. "Looks like another blow to the innocents" says sirclucky "It also appears that Vortexion had a sibling who won't be to happy about their siblings death..."

Day 2 has ended... night 2 lists due by 8:35(as I was a little late posting this)

Lady Night made me do it :P
Click for Werewolf!
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:36 am 
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Again at midnight another cry is heard. This time on the third floor the horribly mauled body of Blk_mage is found lying on the ground, this time with fresh beak marks still all over his body. Closer inspection of Blk_mage's body shows a large W tatooed on his right hand and a collection of weapons in his pockets "This doesnt appear to be too much of a loss" Sirclucky says "It appears a gang member has been mauled!" Luckly... or should I say unfortionatly with tonight's luck, it appears no one else was killed.

Anyways, i have recevied a mandate to post Fizzy's role:
Role: Assassin For Hire
Side: Good
Victory: Defeat all evil teams.

1. You have a gun with two shots. However, you cannot use the gun freely. In order for you to use the gun, someone must post “Kill *player*” on the game topic (graveyard doesn’t count). Once someone posts that, you may choose to kill that player. To kill the, PM me saying you want to kill them. I will kill them as soon as I get the chance. For every six nights you survive you will gang another shot. If you have no shots you of course cannot use the gun.

Anyways... I was only able to sneak away for a little while, and thus will go back to what I was doing before im missed and send out dream results a little later (will be by 7)

Lady Night made me do it :P
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:20 am 
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As Trinity walks over to use the gym, a voice calls out "Now its time to pay for the death of my sibling!" Trinity turns, only to see an evil cupcake of doom fly throught the air and hit her squarly on the face. The evilness in the cupcake causes Trinity to fall over dead. She starts to expand in size and turns a shade of blue "Oh my!" gasps Sirclucky "It appears vortexion's death has been avenged... but it appears the avenger has gone and killed superman! Superman could protect people from all sorts of attacks at nights... but it appears the the evil cupcake was no match for, um, her. Oh well... the game must go on!

-ducky-(1) - cap
lackadazed(1) - Kalathalan

19 players remain. 10 for majority, 15 for lock.

Lady Night made me do it :P
Click for Werewolf!
Click for more Werewolf(as well as Role Playing)!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:24 am 
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Unvote: lackadazed
Vote: -ducky-

Last edited by Kalathalan on Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:27 am 
PPT Toddler
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Murdered with a cupcake. Hey, to whoever kills me, please let it be a less laughable death than that. But poor annoying Scott-fan, she was actually good... bleh. :(

Yeah... just seems odd... Actually, I always thought a game minus dreamers would be amusing, but then I realized that the innocents wouldn't be smart enough to figure things out so it wouldn't go too well. Pity really. ;)

And you're welcome for the reminder, Kala... -_-

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:31 am 
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I thought Trinity was good... I'm sorry you died... *tear*

I have NO idea who to vote for...

EDIT: I will probably be gone all of tomorrow... That will be why I'm inactive... I have camp

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:33 am 
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:o 4 innocents dead...Poor superman and arrow...may they rest peacefully...

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:34 am 
Beyond Godly
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JellyFish72 wrote:
I thought Trinity was good... I'm sorry you died... *tear*

I second that...

Which comes to the inevitable question... now what?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:38 am 
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Location: Lost somewhere in the vast expanse of my mind... we all do immense research on each of the posts where the deaths occurred and search for clues...and then try to kill a werebunny.

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

Last edited by Syrill on Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:40 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
Ack, no clue who to vote for. I don't think Ducky is bad though... hopefully something interesting comes up by tomorrow.

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:17 am 
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:o I disappear for a day and what happens? The world falls apart! Well, not quite, but almost. :P

Sorry for not posting much, but I really didn't feel a need to contribute to a discussion about throwing eggs, etc. And I wasn't able to get on for most of today due to real life.

Anyway, I haven't really seen any evidence on who I should go for, even though I think I should use my stuff pretty soon. It seems that most of the suspects so far have turned out to be innocents.

~ By Optimus ~

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:19 am 
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aww man, i really liked the psyco cray lady, shame she had to die so early in the game. Im gone for like 2 hours, and there's only been, what, 10 posts?

by the way, is this topic ever gonna get split, or are we conna keep this very thread to the very end of the game(now That wopuld be intresting now wouldn't it)


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:27 am 
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Yes....poor insane wasn't her fault that the superman duties got to her brain...

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:31 am 
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err, superwoman?

and why is a mentally ill super hero protecting people again


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