Xil wrote:
I took the course which is a level below Ammers, I have a 68% in it right now and for some very pathetic reason, it's the third highest.
I think the worst part of the Math programme at our school(inclusive of Ammer and I(by god, I know him in real life!!11), is that it's done in such a way that everyday you learn a new theory or an extentsion of what you learnt the day before. At the end of a set amount of days, you have the unit test, regardless of how much you've actually came to take as logical concept.
It's so structured that falling behind or being ill results will result a failed test, even if you're taught the lesson before the test, because it was taught so quickly, you're not going to pick anything up. In our school board (I'm unsure if it is for all Ontario school boards, though I think it is) we break Math up in Grade 12, so it's so much to cover in grade 11 that they leave people behind more than anything, really.
That's what my other maths course is like - my harder one. We learn a new concept/part of theory practically every lesson, which makes it really bad if you miss even one.
My other course (medium level - I'm taking the harder two), we spend about 2-3 lessons per concept on. I prefer that so much better.
I have to agree with what Dan's saying - I'm used to getting 90+% in my maths test, and I barely passed my first test in my harder course.