Well it's over...betcha you're all wondering what happened throughout the game right ?? Well here's the summary
Day One
No execution is randomly selected by the randomiser (Options : No Execution [2] and Default No Execution)
Twizzler0171 uses their role as Cupid to pair up Ammer and Monique
Qanda, as spokesvampire, chooses to kill Ste_is_back (Sacrificial Reviver)
Ixistant, as Malicious Hypnotist, hypnotises Qanda. They use Qanda to attempt to kill o_0 [x] and Alex [o]. Because one player was killed by the hypnotised Qanda, he is caught running from the scene with knife in hand
Duckey, as Mystic, dreams of o_0 [x]. Duckey also leaves Monique as heir to the Mystic role.
Urthdigger, as spokeswolf, attempts to kill o_0 [o]
Wind, as Holy Priest, protects Twizzler0171 from death from Vampires and Spirits.
Yesitish, as Alchemist II, dreams of Alex [x]
Jayjay, as Alchemist I, tries dreaming of o_0 but due to o_0's death dreams of Qanda instead [x] (Incidently, Yesitish was third on this list)
Keith is added to the game as the Malicious Heir and instantly becomes a Vampire (The first evil role killed)
Ammer, the Secret Heir, takes Ste_is_back's role as ste_is_back was the first non-plain townfolk innocent to die.
Summary = ste_is_back is killed, o_0 is killed, Alex is killed, Qanda is seen running from the death scene (Ironically, the one he had nothing to do with). All dreams are incorrect.
Day Two
The randomiser chooses Yesitish to be killed [Alchemist II]. Ironically, the only person that voted for Yesitish was the first Alchemist [Jayjay]. Options : Qanda [3], Jayjay [1], Yesitish [1], No Execution [1], Default No Execution
Because an Alchemist died, the other Alchemist, Jayajay, gains the ability to protect somebody from any type of death during the night.
The Werewoles attempt to kill Qanda [x]
The Vampires kill Urthdigger, Spokeswolf.
Qanda blocks all dreams overnight using a Secret Power.
Dm was on Fire! protects Monique from death that night (Wolves and stabbing only)
Stephanie attempts to dream about Qanda but all dreams are blocked and because of this the dream fails.
Duckey attempts to dream of Dargonz but dreams are blocked.
Wind protects Twizzler0171 (Spirit and Vampire attacks only)
Keith uses the default The_dog_god protection ability.
Jayjay tries dreaming of Duckey but no longer has the dreaming ability due to Yesitish dying.
Summary = Yesitish is executed, Urthdigger dies, all dreams fail.
Day Three
Neopets Addict, the Detective, correctly picks number four and gains the Show All power.
Kidwaiy, the floodlight operator, uses his role to null and void any and all Night time lists
Maniac, the new Spokeswolf, tries to kill Keith [Null]
Dm was on fire! chooses not to protect anybody
Stephanie tries to dream of Ixistant [Null]
Duckey tries to dream of Ixistant [Null]
Wind tries to protect Twizzler0171 [Null]
Qanda uses a secret power to double the kills that the Vampires can perform overnight.
He attempts to kill Kidwaiy and Twizzler [Null]
Ixistant tries to hypnotise Qanda into killing Chipper and Twizzler [Null]
Qanda also uses a Cape to protect himself during the day [Nulled for Night]
Summary = No deaths, no kills, no nothing really...
Day Four
Twizzler0171 activates her Hero power and is immune from death during Night Four
Qanda uses his standard sheltering ability
Ixistant uses one of his three vote controls to force Twizzler0171 to vote for Ixistant
Duckey, Mystic, dreams of Neopets Addict [x]
Maniac, spokeswolf, has Keith, Evil Heir - Converted Vampire, killed. (Incidently, Chipper was second on the list at the time)
Stephanie dreams of DM was on fire! [x]
Dm was on fire! chooses not to protect anybody
Jayjay protects Ammer from all types of death.
Qanda is nearly killed by reverse death when trying to kill Chipper. Chipper's role is activated, Qanda is only protected by sheltering. The advantage for the innocents in this happening is Qanda then revealed Chipper was bad, having failed to be killed by the reverse death power.
Day Five
Qanda is chosen to be executed.
The wolves (Maniac as spokeswolf) attempts to kill Chipper (but fails due to Chipper's role)
Stephanie, Vampire dreamer extrodinaire, dreams of Twizzler0171 [x]
Duckey (Wolf dreamer) dreams of DM was on fire! [x]
Neopets Addict has the people Qanda has targetted over the past three nights revealed
Qanda redirects the execution onto Twizzler0171. Twizzler0171 dies but is resurrected by the two lovers automatically.
Qanda uses his secret power to double the amount of kills he can perform that night.
He kills Kidwaiy and Neopets Addict.
Dm was on fire! chooses not to protect anybody
Summary = No dreams correct, Kidwaiy and Neopets Addict die.
Day Six
Ixistant is locked in to be executed (Qanda was only one vote from being executed too...). Qanda redirects the execution onto Twizzler0171.
Once more, cupid is protected.
Qanda kills Dargonz (Maniac, the remaining Wolf was second on the list)
Maniac, spokeswolf, kills Monique. Because Monique was selected to be Ammer's lover both Monique (Tabloid Reporter) and Ammer (Secret Heir, Sacrificial Revivor) are killed.
Duckey, Mystic, dreams of Maniac [o]
Stephanie, Vampire dreamer, dreams of Qanda [o]
Wind protects Twizzler0171
Twizzler0171 watches over Maniac, she finds out that Duckey targetted Maniac that night.
Qanda doubles his votes.
Summary - Dargonz, Ammer and Minque die. Stephanie AND Duckey are correct in their dreams.
Day Seven
Innocents lock in majority to have Chipper, Spiritual Warder, executed. Chipper is still protected by the activation period and because of this remains alive
Maniac attempts to kill DM was on fire! but DM is protected by his Silver Spear secret power. Normally this would have stopped maniac from killing during Night 8 as well, but Qanda saw too that...
Qanda drains maniac (the last Ivory Fanged Werewolf) of blood. This eliminates the Werewolves team.
Chipper removes Qanda (the last Silver Cloaked Vampire)'s soul. This eliminates the Vampire's team.
Duckey dreams of Twizzler0171 [x]
Stephanie dreams of Wind [x]
Twizzler0171 reveales Stephanies role using the power she gained from 'Lover Suicide'
Twizzler0171 revives Yesitish, the alchemist.
Twizzler0171 watches over Wind (Stephanie targets her)
Twizzler0171 protects herself from death by sheltering
Wind protects Stephanie
Yesitish dreams of DM was on fire! [x]
Summary = Maniac dies. Qanda dies. Wolves eliminated. Vampires eliminated. MC confused. Dreams all incorrect. Yesitish revived.
Day Eight
Chipper revives Monique using his secret power.
DM was on fire! protects Twizzler0171
Stephanie reflects anything that would happen to Jayjay onto Chipper
Chipper kills DM was on fire!
Yesitsh dreams of Jayjay but due to Stephanie's switching, he dreams of Chipper instead. [x]
Twizzler0171 attempts to day kill Chipper but Chipper's 60% shield protects him. Any number greater than 60 would have killed Chipper, 58 was drawn by the randomizer.
Chipper's shield drops by 22% (Drawn by randomizer) after the attack
Twizzler0171 tries again, this time targetting Jayjay. [o]
Ixistant is chosen for execution by the randomizer. Options = Ixistant [3], Chipper [3], No execution [2] + Default No Execution [1].
Ixistant is protected however by his Hypnotic human shield. He forces Chipper to jump in front of the execution.
Here's where things get interesting, if the randomiser had picked a number higher than 43 (60% - 22% + 5% from Jayjay's death) then not only would have the Spiritual Warder died, Ixistant, the only remaining baddy, would be known as evil for sure and executed. However, the randomizer chose 16 so Chipper survived what was supposed to kill her.
Chipper's shield drops by 31% due to the attack. (Now on 12%)
Summary = This little piggy went to market, this little piggy went home. This little MC went insane due to sleep deprivation after having to reinstall Linux on his computer, reinstall several drivers and then have to think to work out execution scenes, and this little piggy had none
Day Nine
Ixistant forces Monique and Wind to vote for Chipper. This forces a lock on Chipper and makes it impossible for the innocents to get the one more vote needed to double execute Chipper and Ixistant.
Chipper is executed (12% shield, 68 was picked), but because Monique is invincible for one day, Chipper's one woman team survives until the beginning of the new day, despite the one woman in the team dying
Stephanie reflects anything that would happen to Duckey onto Wind
Chipper (through Monique) destroys Wind's soul.
Ixistant hypnotises Duckey (With Wind already dead, Duckey is hypnotised) into killing Twizzler0171 [x] and Stephanie [o]. Duckey is caught running from the scene
Yesitish protects Twizzler0171 from death
Monique dies due to her cycle being up.
Summary = Chipper (Bad), Monique (Bad), Stephanie and Wind die. Twizzler0171 is successfully protected by Yesitish. The Spiritual Warder team is defeated. The_dog_god becomes bloated on far too many easter eggs.
Day Ten
Ixistant shelters himself during Day and Night ten.
No majority is reached. Randomizer chooses Ixistant to die [Options = Duckey [2]. Ixistant [1], Twizzler0171 [1] and Default No Execution [1]. 3 was drawn]
Yesitish fails to send a protect list.
No kills over night.
Summary = Ixistant should have died...but didn't.
Day Eleven
Duckey is to be executed but Ixistant had used his power to stop the execution.
Yesitish shelters overnight
Yesitish attempts to protect Twizzler0171 but fails because...
Ixistant hypnotises Yesitish and forces him to kill Twizzler0171 and Duckey
Yesitish normally would have been protected from the suicide death afterwards but it would be one innocent vs one evil member so Ixistant is the victor.
[EDIT] :
Oh yeah,
In first place is Ixistant, the Fairground Hypnotist
In second place is The Innocents, Alex, Ammer, DM was on fire!, Dargonz, Duckey, Jayjay, Kidwaiy, Neopets Addict, Ste_is_back, Stephanie, Twizzler0171, Wind, Yesitish
In third place is Chipper and Monique, the Spiritual Warder and Revived Traitor
Last edited by TDG on Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.