I was driven to the darkside.
Spiritual Warder
Side : Innocent - Evil
Victory Conditions : All evil teams are defeated - All other evil teams eliminated, Innocents unable to win
"Just think of me as a not so friendly Ghost Buster..."
Until somebody tries to kill you, you are a standard innocent. If nobody tries to kill you before the game ends, you will be counted as an innocent.
The moment somebody tries to kill you, this role will activate. During the activation the person that targetted you will die, you will not. The moment the role is activated you will become evil.
You may choose to kill a player each night by removing their soul. To do this PM me a list of 5 names, the one closest to the top that is still alive when it is your turn to kill will have their soul removed.
You gain the non-fully used powers of those you kill.
You will have a 3 cycle protection from death from the time in which your role is activated. EG : If your role is activated on Night 2 you will be protected for Day 3, Night 3, Day 4, Night 4, Day 5 and Night 5.
For every dead player in the game your shield will increase by 5%. This rule will only apply for the first 15 dead players however.
Once during the game you may revive an innocent from the graveyard for one full cycle. When they are revived they will be converted onto your team. The moment the cycle ends they will return to the graveyard, they will remain 'innocent' according to the tablet but will be on the Spiritual Warder's team (and will only win if you do.) They will be immune from death for the 24 hours in which they are revived. They will be revived at the start of the new cycle from the time of which you revive them. (IE : If you tell me to revive them halfway through day 4 then they will not be revived until the end of night 4). The member will be unable to be revived again after they return to the graveyard.
Once during the game you may possess a player and force their role to be revealed on the game thread. Your name will not be included in the 'dream'