Just want to say thanks TDG for being a great MC and for making it a fun WW. It was loads of fun, and Scott I can't wait till #8 starts
Heres my role:
Alchemist I
Side : Innocent
Victory Conditions : All evil is eliminated
You have been developing a new solution which will prevent the death of anybody for the night that they drink it. Unfortunately for you however you cannot get the balance of chemicals quite right and as a result your solution is useless.
You know that your competitor is no closer to discovering the full formula either, however you also know that they have the other half of the formula you require to complete your solution.
Each night you may sneak into somebody's room and search for notes. To do so sent me a list of 4 names before the end of night .The person closest to the top of the list that is still alive at the time of dreaming will have their notes stolen by you.
If you correctly find your competitors notes you will be able to immunise somebody overnight. They will be completely immune to attacks.
However, if your competitor finds your notes first you will have no choice but to give up your research and become his or her assistant. The full abilities of this role will be revealed once this role is activated
If your competitor dies you will automatically complete your solution and be able to protect somebody each night. You will have no assistant however.
You may not protect yourself or your rival. You may not protect the same person two nights in a row.