Syrill wrote:
Syrill randomly during the investigation goes over and whacks Alex on the head with it. Then, he walks back to looking for evidence.
They escaped through air vent...
an air vent? outside? by the pool? big enough for a person to fit through? now that's odd
There are no visible footprints around the pool...evil mage's protection...
so they are an evil mage huh.
can we find out what might have been used to coat the weapons? Poison expert has testified to this
they couldn't have used their hand to wipe the poison on the weaapons, nor could they dip the weapons in the poison. my guess is that they used a cloth to apply the poison to the blades.
Would anybody like to volunteer to touch the weapons and discover fibers?
you would use tweezers to pick up any fibers and you would be wearing gloves if you were going anywhere near the poison tipped blades.
Some random person speculates that the assassin didn’t have time to clean up every detail as Syrill and Twizzler were there.
where would the killer be able to hide while applying the poison? and why would he have the bottle with him?
The poison expert suggests that killing a person with both weapon and poison would be much faster than just normally killing them.
why did the killer want their victim to die fast, if they already stabbed them a couple times, wouldn't that be enough to kill them? why go through the extra step to apply poison?
The female cybunny who attacked sirclucky would like to tell him she is not nice to people who are not fond of her.
sirclucky-is there anything that you did before the bunny attacked you?
is this the same bunny that Trinity encountered?
Syrill wrote:
[back to crime scene investigation]
One of three poisoned knives and the white cloth have vanished.
it seems obvious to me that somone used the cloth to pick up one of the weapons.