If we do somehow make a game out of this, how's this as an intro:
Trinity looked down, and scribbled several names down. She sat down with Sir_Michael, her fiance, and signed each invite.
The newlyweds and their guests stepped onto of the plane, and on their way to the tropical island of Fiji. Trinity drifted off to sleep, resting her head on her husband's shoulder. She fell asleep to peace and quiet, and woke up finding chaos. Red warning lights were flashing, startled guests running everywhere. "Help!" she heard, "The plane's crashing!" Khristian's voice came clear and loud among the screams of panic. "Remain calm, everyone! Sit back down, and buckle your seatbelts. You'll be safe if you do, we're crashlanding onto an uncharted island. It appears to have food and water, so we'll stay there if we need to, until a ship comes to rescue us."
Soon, everyone was wandering out of the plane, dazed, and onto a beach. "It looks like we'll be trapped here for a while... I'll be right back." Trinity ducked into the wrecked plane, grabbing all of the luggage. Outside, the guests heard a scream. One bravely rushed in, finding Trinity on her knees, cradling an unnamed guest in her arms. "He's dead! Shot to death..."
Everyone was gathered around the glow of a small fire. Trinity did a quick headcount. "Odd, we have more guests then we left with... Be careful, everyone... I'll give everyone supplies to start camping out."
What do you think?