Tyrannitar wrote:
Avatar size: 80x80
Signature Size: the max, I think it's 400x100
Text: on Avatar? It should say Vermee, make it animated too. On the avatar it should feature the Vermee's head, but on the siggy try to make one full shot Vermee at one end and flip it at the other end.
Subtext: on the Siggy? I guess it should say Tyrannitar, something has to.
http://images.neopets.com/pets/vermee_yellow_baby.gif It's extremely easy to get rid of the circle. I would for you, but I would have to use paint and it would make it bad.
Other: make both of the backgrounds yellow, but the VERMEE STAYS THE SAME
Since I wasn't sure of how you wanted the text on the sig, so I just came up with something still using Tyrannitar, as you asked
shadowfox7092 wrote:
Do you think you could just make a sig, I sort of like my av.
Signature Size: 100x400(or was it 400x100)
Text: Shadowfox
Subtext: I don't worship people, people worship me!
http://img31.exs.cx/img31/6949/x7zero1qt.jpgOther: (cutouts? colors? animation? etc.) If you could make lightning flash and hit the subtext, Silja? If not, I just want the subtext to fade in and out. And could there be a normal image of the first and second in the foreground, with a slightly faded version of the first image in the background.
Thanks in advance!
Animated images tend to have a low image quality, so I'll include the non-animated version just in case you happen to like it more.