Alex wrote:
I'm most worried about the Hazard Perception test here. It's computerized, and a lot of my friends who are over 18 have told me it's the most difficult part >.>
I didn't have any problems myself.
Most of it is common sense - don't brake too late, don't break too soon, watch out for road signs and markings and take notice, be aware that some cars can actually hide others from sight so it's best not to start anything until you're sure there isn't a "hidden car". If there are cyclists and pedestrians and you're going relatively slow be ready to brake if they veer onto the road. If you have a car close in front of you and they start to brake you start to brake, etc etc.
Definately not something to stress yourself out about, I know a number of people who didn't pass the first time but I also know a number of people who did, it's a hard test to study for (other than getting real driving experience) because the practise test they give you only has like 4 questions and they're the same questions over and over again (definately watch the tutorial of it though, it'll tell you some hazards to look out for).