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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:04 am 
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Wind wrote:
Wind aka your mighty judge in her application wrote:
Why? I'm insane!
You might be part-time insane, but I'm insane all the time, thus guaranteeing that while I'm judging I'll be insane all the time, not just on some contestant or other, and it'll make things more fair for everybody.
Plus, I'm a girl. Girl power and such, ever heard of it? You have to have some girls in the jury (namely: me) 'cause it's important.
And I can type uber-long useless posts rambling about stuff, so if you'll ever need to explain who won a round or such I could write it in a minute (provided that I'm online and want to type and such).
Ah, I also use words like thus, moreover and suchlike... what else do you need?

Ahh Wind, you crack me up!

Thx Maniac!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:29 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yeah, I can figure TDG extending the time of the first task and thinking, let's hope someone else sends their entry or I'll have the mad girl in the jury!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:31 am 
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Ratings to come soon (I'm late I know :P)


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:44 am 
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The round was designed to seem incredibly easy for people that don't oay attention to detail. If you look at the beachball you'll notice the light reflected between the green and the yellow sections, there's a large patch of light on the right red section, the ball is not perfectly round, the centre circle has a darker section in the middle and is transparent on the outsides. You should have noticed the shadows cast on the beachball and tried to incorperate them into your duplicate. This competition may be for a bit of fun, that doesn't mean the winner isn't going to have to work to win.

The object of the game is to duplicate the original image as close as possible, this includes the background and size of the image. 3D images require 3D duplicates for the best results etc

Twizzler0171 - The colours and perspective are wrong. Yours was the closest to the original size however. No attempt at shading or lighting.

LITS - The size is nowhere near the original. The perspective is correct but the shape is slightly off. An attempt at shadowing but no visable evidence of lighting being taking into account. Looks almost as if you traced the picture but I have no way of telling for sure

Lackadazed - The beachball is too small. Other than that a very good entry, shadowing and lighting were taken into account, the centre circle is perfect, the ball looks plastic. The ball is on a slightly different angle however

robert2100 - The lighting was a little overdone but it's good you acknowledged the presence of lighting, the angle of the ball is very good and an attempt was made at duplicating the centre circle. Shadows needed to be taken into account however. Overall a fairly good entry

Wind - The size is way off. Luckily for you you're a judge so your entry isn't being rated :P

Kugestu - A very nice entry. Shadowing and lighting were both very evident in your duplicate, the centre circle and perspective were both excellent. The only thing to be aware of is the size of your entry. A nice plasticy effect as well

Zega - The colours, perspective and angle are wrong. The ball is too small and no real attempt at shadowing and lighting was made.

WIS - The ball is too small and the colours are a tad bright. However the lighting, shadowing and perspective are done well. The entry is an ok one but if the size were to be fixed then it would be a very good entry

teh0mega - The background is black. It's a good entry but you must remember the background is part of the image as well. I don't mind putting your name on it somewhere but write it in black. The center circle could use some work and the lighting around the ball shouldn't be there (Though it would be unnoticable if the bg was white) but other than that a good entry. The perspective was good

Yesitish - Shadowing is good but the lighting was ignored. The perspective is off and the centre circle shouldn't be equally transparent. The left side is a little odd looking and fairly sloppy. Apart from that a good entry :P

-Ducky- - No attempt at shadowing or lighting. The perspective is off but you tried to mimic the cente circle well (despite using paint). A good entry apart from that however

Eliminate : Twizzler0171 and Zega.

Wind wrote:
Mwahaha... :evil: ph34r teh ebil jugge!

Er, ok, it wasn't a easy one but I think I'll choose Twizzler's and Zega's, because in addition to the lack of shading and perspective they got the colours wrong. :( (closely followed by Ducky and Lits... he used the fairly simple technique of drawing over the original photo, if I'm not mistaken)

P/S. Best one was Kugetsu, I loved the plastic look of the ball :D

Twizzler0171 and Zega have been eliminated from the competition. Both may apply for judging positions however. (PM me)

Round Two

You must duplicate the following image with the following modifications

- The bear must be holding either Arrow or a Pink Poogle Toy in it's hands



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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:47 am 
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Ahhh, background also counts as part of the image? Dang :K

Oh well, it's still good :D

One question about this image though: Do we redraw the bear completely or just copy the bear and put a pink poogle toy in it's arms? We probably have to redraw the bear, but I just wanted to be sure.

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:29 am 
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Redraw, you must also duplicate a picture of Arrow or a Pink Poogle Toy into the picture (IE : Draw)


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:57 am 
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:peace: Cheers TDG

I'll start work on it ASAP :)

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:26 am 
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:o I made it onto the second round?! YES! But wait until you see my drawing skills...HORRIBLE!

Edit: O yes and i didn't trace or copy anything~I just look really closly at the lines

Edit 2: Here is my bear!!!!!! Horrible but i did it!

Thx Maniac!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:18 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ah, you quoted my PM? I thought it was confidential, otherwise... I would have made it way more insane!
Anyway I hope this round lasts for a while, since I'll be away for a week. :oops:

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:21 pm 
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Ah. I knew I would be... I can't do anything of the sort. =P I had fun anyways.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:59 pm 
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-Ducky- - No attempt at shadowing or lighting. The perspective is off but you tried to mimic the cente circle well (despite using paint). A good entry apart from that however

yeah, i was gonna try doing shading, but all the colors I tried, made it look even worse :( .

i did what I could.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:20 pm 
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I had some good brushes for this one, although he still looks kind of odd.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:33 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
I'll try my hand on this when I get a chance, I'm occupied for today (for once o_o).

And thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to take the size and background into consideration now. I didn't last round. x_x

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:28 pm 

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YES, the bear's THAT skinny.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:16 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
I should have the picture done by tomorrow.

When's the due date?

Thanks to Laq. :o

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