Sorry this is late!
Dawn2, "Sweet in more ways than one"
I really like this one! 'Tis one of my favourites - well done!
Twizzler0171, "Sweet as Candy"
Very nice, I like it - its a bit ordinary, but goes well with the signature.
Kurisutaru, "A Tasty Treat"
It's good, fits on with the sig, but it makes it sound like Twizzler is nice to eat! o_0 I know you meant the candy canes, but it could sound a little odd.
Qanda, "Queen of Candy"
I like this one a lot. The right length, fits in, says a little about Twizz as well, but without taking over - and it would make sense with anyone. Yes, very good! ^.^
.:Requiem:., "Sweet and Simple"
Borderline. It's not great, but it would do on the sig. It doesn't stnad out enough! Try and get something extra in your subtexts instead of just 'meh' ones.
Loser1921, "Twisted Treats"
I like the double 'T' - it sounds great, but I can't help thinking its a bit short. Otherwise though its really good! Well done!
Watericesage, "A Seasonal Delight"
Nice but, though candy canes can be associated with Christmas - they're not JUST eaten then. It wasn't really meant to be a Christmas sig, but I can understand how you made the connection.
Sirclucky, "Even a queen *fade* Needs her cane"
It's ok. As AutumnElf said - its really whether you get your entry to fit with the signature than to fit with the member. Its good when you manage to do it still fitting it in with the sig in general - so anyone who didn't understand the users connection, would still get it to make sense. Referring to Twizz as a queen is alright, but doesn't really go with the sig. I don't like it much.
o_0, "Simply Sweet"
It's... ok. It just doesn't stand out from the crowd. Its quite a plain, ordinary subtext. I don't really like it, sorry.
Anubis, "I prefer candy apples."
This entry doesn't fit in with the sig hardly at all! It should be centered on the image - not Twizz's fixation with apples!
Plus (I know Twizzler didn't actually pick the image) why would someone have a set with candy
canes on it when it says they prefer candy
Hellyer, "Sweet Candy Treat"
=/ Hmm, this is a bit like Kurisutaru's entry - calling Twizz a 'treat' - and nice to eat!! I don't particularily like it, or not like it - it's just a bit plain and borderline.
Ok, this was
reeeally hard to choose who to eliminate!!
Eliminate: Anubis and o_0.