~ Rules ~
Day starts as soon as Night ends (which is after I post night results) and ends at 5am Neopian Standard Time. During Day (unless under unexpected circumstances), each of you can vote to execute one person. You have the whole day to vote; voting will start from the beginning of the game day and end at 5am NST (see section on Voting for more details). Execution results will be posted as soon as possible.
Certain role or secret power actions can only be performed during the day. This will be specified in your PM.
Night begins as soon as Day ends (which is when I post the execution results) and ends at 6am NST. During Night, baddie killings, dreamings, and other stuff may happen. Any of you who can send in Night lists must do so before 6am. All lists sent in with the PPT timestamp reading 6am or later will be void. As usual, you can send in your night lists anytime during the same day/night cycle.
Usually, each of you is entitled to one vote. To vote, post:
Vote: Player name here
Please bold your votes or I may not catch it. Votes in quotes are not counted (so if you quoted someone's post with a vote in it, I will not count it). Also, please do not edit a past post to include or change a vote unless your post was the last one. To change your votes, post
Unvote: Player name here Vote: Player name here
If you wish to have no execution, post:
Vote: No execution
The player with 51% or more votes for him will be chosen for execution. Votes lock at 75% or more, after which no more vote changes will be entertained. If there is no clear majority, the execution will be decided through other means (which I will not reveal).
As usual, only votes made before the deadline count. Votes posted with the PPT timestamp reading 5am NST or later will not count.
Secret Powers
There may be secret powers (SPs) in this game. You may not reveal the fact that you have a secret power or what it is until you have used it all up. You may not reveal any part or function of your secret power. You may not pretend to have secret power that you don't have, but may pretend that you had a secret power but have used it up. Baddies on the same team can tell each other what SPs they have, however.
Normally, if somene with an unused secret power is killed, whoever killed the person will gain the SP. If a person is killed through executions, their unused SP will usually be distributed among the innocents (how, I will not reveal).
There will be shields in this game. Shields are distributed in percentages, like 60% shields, 100% shields etc. They generally work like this: When anything targets you for killing, and no other protection comes into play, your shield will help protect you. A 100% shield will give you a 100% chance of evading an attack; a 60% shield gives 60% chance of evading, etc. Shields cannot go beyond 100%.
Generally, non-execution killing attempts will deplete a shield by 20% if you were the primary target (see below for explanation). Execution attempts deplete it by 50%. Each day a shield will deplete by 5%.
If you are a baddie and your killing target is protected by a shield, you will deplete his shield by 20% and move down and try to kill the second person on your list. If this second person also has a shield, and it protects him, you will deplete it by 10% and reach the third person. If the third person is also protected by his shield, you will deplete it by 5%, and your killing attempt for that night will fail.
The Dead
Once you are dead, you may no longer post in the game thread. You can however post in the Castle Graveyard (aka commentary thread). Note: Live players cannot post in the commentary thread.
Once you are dead, you may not reveal or hint about anything that was not previously publicly known. You also may not contact anyone, alive or dead, to talk about the game, even if they were your teammate. Should anyone catch someone violating this rule, please inform me.
Note on hinting - Examples of hinting are saying, "I think Player X is bad. *cough* I was a dreamer, remember? *cough* *insert sly winking*" What constitutes as hinting will be decided at my sole discretion.
In essence, everything you post on the commentary thread must be based on public information and posts in the current game. No posting anything based on any secret knowledge you have.
Also, resurrections are a possibility in this game; thus, it would be wise to follow the game developments even after your death.
Dead players have the power to either sacrifice the life of a living player in the game or resurrect someone who has died, if there are at least 9 dead players. You need a 66% majority from all dead players for either to work. If you wish to kill a live player, post
Sacrifice: Player name here
To resurrect a dead player, post
Resurrect: Player name here
You may not vote for your own resurrection.
Sacrifice and resurrection votes may not be unvoted. All votes must be made during one complete cycle, and on the start of each day the past votes are wiped. The minute a majority is met for either, voting is locked and I will carry out the killing/resurrection ASAP.
In the case of sacrifice, if it fails, the dead will be allowed to try again (either resurrection or sacrifice). In the case of resurrection, the protected player will receive some protection from deaths (the specifics will be known to only the resurrected player).
In/Out during night
During night, certain players may be out of their rooms, due to the nature of their roles. For example, baddies in charge of killing and protectors are out of their rooms (if they did choose to use their role that night), while dreamers and plain innocents stay in their rooms during night.
I will not tell you whether you are in or out of your room during night. You will have to deduce this yourself from your role sheet (it should be fairly obvious in most cases though).
Why is this significant? Because some roles deal with people being in/out of their rooms during night. Beyond that I will not say further.
1) If you are on a baddie team, you may not reveal the identities of your teammates unless I receive expressed permission from each of them personally through PM.
2) You may never vote for yourself or put yourself on your own role list unless otherwise stated (thus a baddie may not kill himself, a protector may not protect himself, etc).
3) Lying, framing, backstabbing, aggressive accusations, etc are all part of the game; so please do not start getting personal against anyone who does so; they are just playing the game.
4) When sending in lists please indicate your role/team name in the title to make it more convenient for me to organize things.
5) Do not quote or forward PMs from me, including your role sheet.
7) By signing up for this game you ensure adequate participation daily. Should you have to be away for a few days please inform me so that we can arrange matters. I reserve the right to replace you if I feel that your absence will affect the game greatly, though.
8 ) Please ask me if you are not sure about anything, including the rules, your role and secret powers, etc.
9) Violations of any of these rules may result in a warning, game-related punishments, modkill, your whole team being eliminated or the game being cancelled depending on severity.
10) I reserve the right to change or add to any of these rules if necessary.
Live Players:
1. DracolordII
2. Wind
3. Yesitish
Dead Players
The Applehat - Tortured to Death Night 1 - Kenjall, the Controller of the Heavens Kugetsu - Poisoned Night 1 - Heir Blk Mage - Killed by Evil Spell Night 2 - Sorcerer Syrill - Poisoned Day 3 - Thief Kalathalan - Killed by Evil Spell Night 3 - Werewolf CWisgood - Mauled Day 4 - Locksmith Khristian - Died due to heart attack Day 5 (Mysterious Parcel) - Apothecary Chipper - Killed by The Black Death Day 5 - Inventor sirclucky - Executed Day 5 - Schizophreniac jellyoflight - Tortured to Death Night 5 - Werewolf Monique - Killed by Evil Spell Night 5 - Mailwoman LAQ - Killed by The Black Death Day 6 - Blacksmith Twizzler0171 - Killed by The Black Death Day 6 - Weird Sister Alex - Tortured to Death Night 6 - The Black Death sir_michael - Killed by Evil Spell Night 6 - Doom Dreamer Mandy - Executed Day 7 - Inquisitor DiscordantNote - Tortured to Death Night 8 - Night Guardsman jasminech - Tortured to Death Night 8 - Divine Angel the_dog_god - Killed by Vigilante Arrow Day 9- Weird Sister o_0 - Killed by Vigilante Arrow Day 9 - Lady Doom Matt - Killed by Vigilante Arrow Day 9 - Lord Doom
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/qanda/qandalitsiggy.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
Last edited by Qanda on Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:49 am, edited 29 times in total.